Chapter 6- The arrangement

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New time skip ~~♤~~

"HOW LONG AGO OLIVER?" I raise my voice so that I am yelling at him. Once realizing that this may continue to be loud, I cast a quick silencing spell on the room. "It was- it was a few days ago..." I grab the edge of a nearby desk to stable myself, as if that would help. "Why the fuck would you-" I begin to question him but then it clicks. The screams I was hearing were his.

I stand up suddenly and make my way towards him. The lighting in this room was dim, so I cast a quick Alohamora to see him better. I didnt bother to look at him over in the light. Hell, I tried my best to not look at him. I bring my wand to his face, seeing nothing. "Where?"

That's all I need to ask. With little hesitation Oliver turns around and lifts up the back of his shirt, revealing slashes and scars across his back. "He wanted to know more, about you." I bring his shirt back down and turns around to look at me. "You're in danger and it's my fault."

"I'm not in danger. If you dont remember, I'm as dangerous as Riddle himself." I try to remind him, remind myself that I would be fine. It didnt seem to convince either of us. "Yeah, but he has people on his side aswell. Its just us two." I shake my head. "Not entirely..."

"Look, Riddle wants something. I'll tell him that I know what happened and I'll ask what he wants. If it's going to be a problem I'll get help." I finish my sentence after giving it some thought, it shouldnt be that big of a deal where I would need to contact the gang, but I'll tell them of a possible danger. I cast a spell and leave the room, Oliver and the tense air between us. I had dark arts next, then it was dinner and back to studying with Tom. The week was almost over and we had to cut the deal short anyways. It was Tom who cut it short with no explanation, I think I know why now. I'm early to class unlike usual, I knew Tom was always early by 15 minutes so this was my chance.

I throw the doors open and toss my stuff onto a desk at the back. The room was mostly empty, with the exception of Tom. He turns around slowly to face me from the blackboard he was writing on. Seeing me in my rage, he has the nerve to laugh. "I figure something-" He clears his throat. "Sorry, someone has happened."

"Is this why you've been acting this way?" I cross my arms, Riddle's full attention to me now. We had seven minutes. "Possibly." Is all he replies with, placing the chalk gently down on the frame under the blackboard. Making his way towards me. "What do you want Riddle?" I ask him impatiently, tapping my foot rapidly against the floor.

He continues to get even closer to me than before, slowly reaching his hand out to touch my face. "What do I want?" He asks, focusing on my eyes and my eyes only. I swat his hand away. "I want you." My eyebrows furrow at his demand. "Hell n-"

"Ah it seems you two are early!" Our dark arts teacher waltzes into the classroom, cutting me off before I could tell Tom to shut up. "Good! I need some extra help cleaning up the boards before everyone else arrives." I grunt and turn away from Tom and the teacher. I swivel my books around and throw myself into the desk. "Sorry sir, I have some extra studying to do. I'm sure Tom wouldnt mind to help."

With a small smile, Tom gets to work and I begin staring at my textbook pages. Soon, students start to pile into the classroom. As the students gather, Tom sits next to me. "We are not desk buddies Riddle." He chuckles. "Susan sure doesnt mind the switch, I asked her personally." Grunting, I bring my attention towards the teacher, trying my best not to kill Riddle in the middle of class. As the lesson starts, I can feel him lean into my shoulder. "We will finish that conversation after class. The library as usual."


I found Riddle sitting at our usual desk, he was waiting eagerly for me to arrive. He had no books stacked on the oak table as we usually would, instead, one single slip of paper and a quill. He spots me almost immediately when I enter the room. When he does, a smirk crawls onto his face, replacing the frown that was there mere seconds ago. I approach him huffing, throwing myself onto the chair across from him. "So? Are you going to tell me what you really want?". He chuckles, crossing his arms and leaning back on his chair he gives a sly reply. "I've already told you, it's you that I want." I roll my head with my eyes. "This is ridiculous, no." He sighs. "It's not just you I want, it's your help." I bring my attention to him fully. Was the Tom Riddle asking me for help? I smirk. "Oh? So you need my help now? With what?"

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