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⚠️tw// drug abuse ⚠️
- let me know if these trigger warnings help/ if they're needed

ALLIE's pov
"Allie, you're 17 years old! You don't know what love is!" My mom yells.
"But I love her! I know I do! Love comes with no age mom"
"She's gotten you into drugs can't you see? This is all just some puppy love."

I walk down the hall into my room and slam the door in her face. My mother opens the door and shoves her hands into the pocket of my green hoodie. I really wasn't feeling the color green right now. She pulls out a small baggy containing pills.

"I knew you had something in here! Did you get it from her?" She screams.

"It's not her fault mom I swear. It's not Billie's pills." I finally breakdown into tears after holding it in for so long. I fall to the ground, bracing my back against the bed.

She sits next to me and tightly wraps her arms around me, seeing her daughter in pain. I felt comforted for a second until I remember everything she had said.

"Get away from me." I get up and go outside of the room again.
"Don't walk away from me young lady!"

I tip a painting off of the wall and glass shatters. This left a mess in the hall, separating her and I.

a/n: yes its that scene from euphoria okay shh i'm in love with that part.

I step towards the front door and she follows me.

"I'm talking to you, you can't leave!" She shouts.
"I'm fucking leaving! I dont wanna be here anymore! You don't want drugs in your house? Fine. I won't stay in your house." I walk out into the pouring rain.

I get into my car and as soon as I start it up, 'Puppy Love' by Paul Anka comes on. How ironic? I cried until I heard a tap on the window. Billie.

Billie is my best friend/ girlfriend/ neighbor. She must've heard the yelling. I unlock the door and she opens the drivers door. She engulfs me in a tight hug. I felt safe.

It wasn't Billie's fault that I was doing drugs. Yes, shes been taking me to parties these last few months but it was for my own good. I wouldn't come out if my room anymore or last one period in school without having a meltdown. It was the worst of me. I ended up smoking pot at the second party and snorting shit at another. Billie stopped bringing me to them since she obviously saw the pattern of me constantly getting all drugged up.

It didn't stop because at that point I had gotten two good dealers who can give me shit in school and such. My mom found out after the third week of this and went harder on therapy. I went more often and even went to NA meetings. I only did drugs more and to be quite frank, I don't care that I have an issue. I don't think I have one. It makes me feel good and at peace. I dont care that I'm slowly killing myself. Im not hurting anyone else. Billie has tried to stop me before. She's done everything from talk nice, to get into really bad fights with me. I tried breaking up with her too but she wouldn't let me. She saw that I was pushing her away. Don't get me wrong, I love her for trying but I didn't want her to blame herself.

I know she feels bad about me using because not only am I hurting myself, I'm hurting her. She should be my peace. Her love should be enough to get me to stop. I shouldn't drag her along in shit with me.

She walked around to the passenger seat since she was getting soaked in the rain.

"Bil why the fuck are you still with me? Why won't you give up on me?" I plead.
"Why do you want to give up on you?" She asks while cupping my face. I pull away.

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