Oh Baby

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Y/N was asked to babysit her neighbor's daughter, Ellie, today. Always willing to help, she didn't decline. However, she's also enrolled in college and had a massive essay due before 12am. Her girlfriend, Billie, came over to her house to help keep an eye on Ellie.

You were sitting in the dining room, typing away on your computer. You had writers block for thirty long minutes. You were almost done til Billie came behind your chair and scared you.

"Fuck Bil, you scared she shit outta me." You lightly shove her away as she continues to laugh. "Where's Ellie?"

"Playing with her dolls." Billie mumbles as she presses kisses on the back of your neck. You struggle to remember the conclusion you put together in your mind.

"Babe you're distracting me." You sit up typing the rest of your paragraph.
"Are you almost done?" She asks.

Billie rolled her eyes and returned to Ellie, considering you've said that for the past hour.

You were exhausted after writing that essay. Regardless, you sat on the rug and played dolls with Ellie til she too got tired. Her parents said she should be down by 9 but you decided to let it slide this one night. Billie carried Ellie up into the guest bed as you cleaned up her toys.

When you got to the room, Billie was singing to Ellie, who was already drifting off into sleep. You got into bed with them and lied your head in her chest with your arm lied across her stomach. Your arm was right above Ellie's head, seeing as she lied on Billie's  stomach.

Billie stops singing once Ellie was snoring. This slightly woke you up since it had been calming. She got up and placed Ellie's head onto a pillow. You tiredly sat up and waited for Billie to finish tucking her in so you two can go to your room and sleep.

Billie hops in bed and you text Ellie's parents an update as well as yours. They were all out of town on a cruise.

"Thank you for helping me today baby." You say kissing Billie's check then snuggling into her side. She was really good with kids and you adored her for it.

"No problem, I had fun." She smiles. "Y/N.." Billie whispers.

You didn't really pay much attention to the conversation considering you were really tired.

"Do you want kids someday?"

You were now wide awake.

"With you?" You ask.

That made Billie nervous, thinking you didn't want kids with her. You put your head on the pillow next to her.

"Well, yeah with me." She replies.
"Of course I do." You smile.
"How many?" Billie says more excitedly.
"Uhh two."
"I want three."
"Hell no." You say.
She frowns. "Why not?"
"I know damn well you're not having the kids..."
"You're right baby," She pauses mid sentence to kiss your forehead. "whatever you want."

You felt bad for declining her wishes. She was hopefully going to be your wife in two years.. you had to let her be apart of big things. You want her to be.

"Okay fine, maybe we can have three.. why three though?" You intertwine your fingers.

The two of you continue planning your future together until you both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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