2. Taro & Osana

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Wednesday 30 October 2019
Taro Yamada P.O.V
'Osana! Great to see you!'
'Yeah. You too, hey listen could you buy me lunch?' She says as more of a comand than question.
'..uhm..uhmm..yeah..sure Osana' He replies nervously scratching his head, not wanting to upset her so he just goes along with her commands.
'Thanks soooo much hun buns' Osana hugs him happily and tells him to meet her at the wooden picnic like table under one of the pretty purple Jacaranda trees. I head over to the canteen and buy two ham, cheese and lettuce sandwich's along with two apple blackcurrent juice boxes for $5 dollars. I purposely take the long way to the Jacaranda tree, so I could watch Ayano for a little while. Shes so at peace when shes not aware someones watching her, its heart warming to see. I stand behind the tree watching her lay on the grass under the cherry tree enjoying the warm sun and cool summer breeze. She has her hair up in her normal pony tail and her eyes are closed, as if shes imagining something. She smiles happily while shes laying there with her eyes closed. I sigh out of happiness, blissfully aware that im pretty much in love with this gorgeous, smart girl.
'Oh.my.GOD!' What took you so longgggg?!' Osana rudely exclaimed
'Oh..um..sorry I was just-'
'I DONT CARE!! You made me wait like 10 minutes!'
'Ok..sorry..I got you a ham and cheese sandwich' He smiles and hands it to her then sits at the table and eats his food.
'I really like you Taro' She says quietly looking down at the table leaving me shocked and not sure how to respond. I dont want to hurt her but I also dont qant to lie to her.
'I really like you too buddy' I respond simply, trying not to hurt her or lie to her since I dont feel romantically towards her.(FRIEND ZONED HARD!!)
'Yeah..buddy..' She smiles trying to hide her disappointment. I start up a conversation about Cats and Dogs to make it less awkward and instantly shes back to enthusiastic, happy Osana. We talk about everything, from favourite movies to favourite food and favourite class.
Suddenly Osana trails off and whispers 'Do you ever feel like your being watched? Like someone is there watching you but you never see them..?'
It slightly disturbes me how serious she sounds. I scratch my neck which is something I do when im nervous and reply 'Yeah..sometimes..' I dont question why she sounded so serious mostly because im scared of the answer I will get. I didnt like the vibe the conversation was giving off. It was an eerie vibe and it was as if someone was going to jump out and scare us or something horrible was about to happen. I shook it off, telling myself that she probably didnt mean to create an eerie vibe and was simply asking an innocent question.
*The bell rings*
I grab Osana's hand and help her up, like a gentlemen and I put the rubbish in the bin on our way to class. We walk to the door and I open it, suddenly revealing Ayano. Had she been there the whole time?
'Hi Ayano!' I say to her, happy to see her.
'.......hello' She smiles at me like shes happy to see me too but is acting weird, like shes angry but at the same time not. I notice she glances at Osana and im not exactly sure how to describe the look in Ayano's eyes.
'.....This should be fun' Ayano smiles like the cheshire cat at Osana.

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