Chapter 9

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Spider-Man @webslinger

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Shuri @Wakanda4evs 

Are you free-falling while taking a selfie??? awesomeee

Spider-Man @webslinger

yesmaam fr highlight of my day 

Clint @hawkeye2016

have fun? don't die??

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

 Kid, new rule: no free falling from the top of the Avengers tower

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

I don't appreciate being screamed at by your aunt 

Spider-Man @webslinger

ugh boomer

Spider-Man @webslinger

 you're no fun :(

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

maybe I won't have to make so many rules if you stop nearly killing yourself

Spider-Man @webslinger

I didn't nearly kill myself- anyways, I'm on my way to free fall off of the Chrysler Building since I can't do it off of the Avengers tower. 

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

no- Kid if you do that, im taking away your suit

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

 he's already gone, isn't he?

Clint @hawkeye2016

tough luck, stark. just let the kid have a bit of fun

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

Fun? he's free falling off of the CHRYSLER BUILDING-

Clint @hawkeye2016


That awkward moment when all the avengers get TwitterWhere stories live. Discover now