Chapter 8

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Peter was halfway to the tower, still curious about who Tony would want him to meet. 

His mind was racing with every swing 

will it be one of the Avengers?

No, it couldn't be... 

But who else is there?

He kept swinging his way over, occasionally looking down at the city below him, admiring the sight

The city was always so beautiful from up high; it never seemed to get old, no matter how many times he's been up this high

around thirty minutes later, Peter arrived at the tower, landing just outside of the main entrance 

he pushed open the double glass doors and waved kindly at the interns, who just stared back at him

he ignored their looks and hurriedly made his way to the private elevator on the far left of the bottom floor

he pressed in the 'up' arrow with his thumb and waited for the doors to open

he tapped his middle and pointer fingers on his thigh in a steady rhythm, the familiar feeling of anxiety clawing at the inside of his chest

I hope the guest will like me

don't talk too much

don't speak too loud

don't be such a... kid

Finally, the elevator doors opened, making way for Peter to step inside before they slid closed once again.

"Welcome, Mr. Parker. How may I help you today?"

Peter looked around to locate where the voice came from, eyes eventually landing on a small camera in the upper right corner of the elevator.


He waved nervously at the camera, wondering who it was that is keeping watch over him.

"Hello, Mr. Parker. Where may I take you?"

Peter only stared at the camera, wondering what he should do

He was still in his suit, and whoever was behind the camera obviously knew his identity

Did Mr. Stark give out my identity?

No, he wouldn't do that... right?

Then, a sudden realization popped into his head, causing Peter to slap himself mentally.

"Are you an AI?"

The ceiling voice rumbled slightly, making an almost car-like sound, before answering, "That would be correct. I am known as Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth."

Peter breathed out a quiet breath of relief once he realized that his identity was, in fact, safe.

"Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth," He muttered to himself, turning the words around in his mind, feeling like he's missing something, "Oh, like F.R.I.D.A.Y? Is that your acronym?"

The AI went silent for a couple of seconds before answering the boy's question, "Yes, I am called FRIDAY."

Peter's lips turned up into a small smile, "Well, it's very nice to meet you, FRIDAY."

"to you as well, Mr. Parker."

Peter grinned up at the camera and grabbed the bottom of his mask, peeling it off and shoving it into his bag

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