With this snow

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This is the most beautiful time with this snow,
Everything is a dream under this mistletoe.

With you is like a dream comes true,
Heart is beating fast to see you.

Seeing the sparkling balls of christmas tree,
Counting them with one,two, three.

Everyone is gathering here and there,
But one thing makes me fear.

About that t can't see you tonight,
Cause i am leaving after a minute.

My aunt will pick me which is now from here,
As my aunt don't like couples seeing each other.

Please, please my prince of my dream,
Oh god! there is my aunt coming from gym.

She is so fat so she had to go to gym daily,
She picked me up and hugged me tightly.

I become annoyed and forgot about my dream,
When she told me that she is buying me a ice cream.

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