Chapter Three

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My school day, on the whole, was quite bad. I went to my room, locked the door and cried. Sometimes it just got too overwhelming. I hardly ever cried, and if I did, it was away from everyone around me.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I wiped my tears away and went to open the door. It was Alex.

"Hey Vereena," He said softly. 

"Hi Alex. Erm, why are you in my room?" 

"I heard you crying. I have good ears, you know,"

"I wasn't crying," I looked down and he lifted my head back up.

"Right you little bitch, don't lie to my face," He replied. "I cry sometimes. It's natural. Now, tell me what's up. Who's been picking on you?" 

"No one!" I exclaimed. "I'm... I'm just fed up. I want to be more like you,"

Alex looked a bit took back. "What do you mean by that?"

 "Popular. I want to be popular," I began. "I want to be a baddie, the girl everyone craves to be. I'm fed up of being myself,"

He smiled. "I can help you with that,"

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