Chapter One

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I was a nerd. A geek. One of the people that sat at the back of the class alone and got full marks on every test that was put in front of them. I guess it's good for my future, but not my present.

I was sat in my room doing my maths homework. It was all about Algebra, which I struggled on. However, I couldn't ask for help from my parents or they would think I'm slacking off. I sighed and stared at my computer screen. 

"Vereena!" My mum shouted up to me. "Get here right now,"

I walked down my stairs into the kitchen. My mum was standing there, with a piece of paper in her hand. I gulped.

"Vereena, do you know what this is?" She stared into my eyes.

"Not really, no" I replied. My heart was beating so fast that I was surprised it didn't just leap out of my chest.

"Well, these are your test scores for the science test you took last week, I just wanted to say -"

Our front door flung open.

It was my step brother, Alex Guzman. 

" Hey girls," he grinned.

Alex was one of the popular ones. He smoked, brought many girls back to our house and stayed out late. Of course, everyone loved him.

" Alex!" Mum shouted. "Why do you smell like that?" She grabbed him by his hood and sniffed. "Oh no, Alex - "

I gasped. It was obvious what he had been doing. 

" Mum, I have a life. I can do what I want," He took his hoodie off and flung it on the floor. "I'll be in my room," He shrugged and walked off.

Mum rolled her eyes. "Never turn out like him," 

"What about my test scores mamma?"

"Oh, you got 90%. Try better next time," 

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