Deku snaps

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The screen like up to show deku and uraraka

Uraraka looked over at deku and wiggled her eyebrows and batted eyelashes, deku feeling uncomfortable turn away and snuggle up with his mAnZ, uraraka scoffed and turn back to the screen

" What's up uraraka trying to show me the quirk or what." an arrow pointed at Deku and practicing to flirt and urraca is just laughing at him

People that were in the crowd were just laughing at this

You see bakugou running out at deku at full speed with kirishima trailing behind him " DEKU " bakugou practically screamed at the top of his lungs, uraraka and deku jumped in fear and looked back at bakugou. " Stay out of my way" both looking unamused at there with their arms crossed just looking at him

Iida: bakugou should not be disrespectful to underclassmen
*doing robot hands*


jiro: why they look very unamused

Mina: yeah tired if bakugou's shit


C: quiet and pay attention

They all turned their attention back to the screen

Kirishima was trying to pull away bakugou, " or I'll kill you" kirishima managed to pull away bakugou, "BASTARD" midoriya and uraraka just rolled their eyes at bakugou

The screen changes to show the top of U.A. with the deku-squad having lunch

Asui: look it's me kero kero

Todoroki: look there I am

Iida: u as well

Uraraka: mhm

They were all eating their favorite foods and todoroki and midoriya were being a cute couple by feeding each other, urarakakaka taking pictures, Asui and iida were talking about crushes "DEKU" bakugou came running back with kirishima long behind him again

Urarakakaka: ugh! He's back

Sero: why does he keep coming back?!

Kota: yeah he's mean

Eri: yeah!

Aizawa: bakugou, You really need to get a life


C: hahahaha...omg that's hilarious, anyway back to the video

"ARE YOU EATING?!" midoriya just looks at him ' no I'm running~' he thought

'Sass' Everyone thought

Everyone in the deku-squad got in front of midoriya, but he just got in front of everyone "STOP EATING IR YOU'LL REGRET IT" everyone stood there annoyed midoriya just blinked, "D-DEKU" bakugou was just making annoyed noises "tch, did you just blink your eyelids?, tch, you're gonna pay for that deku" everyone at this point looked pissed off, but deku much more than the others, "I hate you, I hope you die, you don't belong at U.A., I'm better than you, I'm the best, im-" he was cut off by a very mad and bothers deku, "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHut up shut up"

Everyone looked shocked including the people in the multiverse.

He took a breath " ALL YOU DO IS BITCH, AND COMPLAIN AND CRY" bakugou was making some werid noises "I swear one of these seasons, one of these seasons bro I'm gonna fuck you up, like I'm gonna beat your ass" bakugou was making more scared noises " Like you are better, youre better than me and you're stronger than me, congratulations, NOBODY GIVES A FUCK" bakugou makes more noticeable noises "IM OUT HERE GRINDING" he gives a wink to todoroki, making the bi-colored boy go red "GETTING IT, TRYING TO CONTROL MY QUIRK, I don't have time FOR YOUR BULLSHIT, ooh todoroki should've FOLDED YOUR ASS, OOH" deku walks away with todoroki

The screen goes black
( Why is dark spelt with a "k" and not a "c", because you can't see in the dark 🤣)
(Sorry moving on)


C: so what did you guys think?

Everyone (except bakugou): THAT WAS AWSOME!!

C:okay next one

(Tell me if you have request)

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