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I'ma lazy so I'll make then talk like the group chat and ship reaction k bye -c

C: ok here we go!!

(Edit: plz don't judge me for this one it was hella cringe I had no ideas and this is what had come to mind so plz I advise you to skip unless you want to see my poor writing skillz)

The scene opens to show Hosu city (I think I spelt that right) with broken building that look old and have vines growing on them and everything it just broken and run down.
Uraraka: woah what happened there?!
Deku: it looks so fun down and abanded
C: not quite~
1-A: ??
Then the scene zooms in on an ally way with a dark figure in it with black and green fluffy hair freckles green emerald eyes he is pail with stiches and a dead look in his eyes.
deku: what's wrong with me??
C: in this world there was a zoombie breakout and you were affected but you were different
Sho: different how?
C: you'll see~
*Sigh* this world is discusting" deku says. "They... All they do is satisfy their hunger all they do is KILL!!" He was then seen throwing off his bandages and having no emotion "and I'm one of them" he then tears up and thrashes the things in the ally way.

*Bang* he shot his head up ant the sound running in it's direction. Once he gets there he sees a girl with pink skin and pink fluffy hair and black eyes and bright yellow eyes.
Mina: what am I doing there
Deku: is she going to be ok
C: just watch
Mina: 'plz save me mido' she thought
She was being attacked by a zombie and she had run out of bullets for her gun. She threw it away and got into a fighting stance 'She is going to get herself killed' deku ran twords her and punched the zombie in the face he knocked it out.

He looks at the girl and she is more terrified " are you okay" he asked the terrified girl "HUH YOU CAN TALK AREN'T YOU DEAD!!" She screamed "please stop screaming yes I'm one of them but I'm different" "different how?" She asked deku "heh....I'm not brain dead"
Tsu: oh! I get it now
Momo: yes he is not brain dead which means he still thinks like a normal human
C: preciously
"WOAH that's so cool your a zombie but you can think like a human" "basically the sum of it yes" deku responded "so you don't have to worry about these things" "nope not at all" deku then started walking away "Wait don't leave please" deku looked at her "why do you need something?" Deku questioned the girl.

"Uhh I was just wondering why don't I come with you" deku looked at her with a shocked expression "what do you mean come with me?"
"W-well you could help me survive a-a-and maybe we could be friends?" Deku took off his shocked face and looked at her with no emotion

He started walking away

"I'm sorry but no you can I can't looks after both of us"
Mina started to chase after him "PLEASE DINT LEAVE ME I DON'T KNOW HOW MUSH LONGER I WILL SURVIVE" she grabbed his arm and turned him around "plz let me be with you.....i-i d-do-ont want-t to d-d-die" she was then seen with a waterfall of tears falling down her cheeks

Deku looked at her with pity and worry he smiled and said "alright I'll let you tag along" she looked at him with so much happiness and hugged him right "thank you thank you thank you!" She repeated about a thousand times "alright let's go"
They were then seen walking down the street and just talking "oh! I'm Mina ashido btw!" "Izuku midoriya"

The screen went black with the words

'we will survivre'

C: so what did you guys think
C: ok everyone calm down
Todoroki: I'm just glad my izu is ok *hugs him*
Deku: *hugs back* me too and ashido
Mina: yeah that was spooky
Inko: my baby!! *she then hugs him along with eri  and Kota*
C: k you guys ready for the next one
Everyone: YEAH
C: ok let's go!!


                            Crazy sho

Hello there my buties I have no clue what I should do next plz leave a suggestion or I will have to work to find a whole nother one by myself

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