when we all fall asleep where do we go

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bucky's p.o.v

we went home.
being chased by an alpacca was the most scary thing that ever happened to me.
when we got home it was already 11 pm.
i was exhausted.
'i'm going to bed.' i said.
'okay goodnight.' steve says.
'goodnight.' i say back and close my door.
i put on a sweatpants and immediatly fell asleep.

*flash back.*

so much blood.
more blood then i could ever imagine.
it shouldn't have gone like this.
get in, take the file , get out
that was it .
but i missed the alarm.
70 years of training and i mis the alarm.
i hear a click.

a gun being loaded
a turn around and see steve,
with a gun pointed at me
'steve?' i say.
the look on his face is so empty.
'move and i will shoot.' he says like he doesn't know me.
' steve it's me. bucky.' i say trying to make him remember.
' YOU are the winter soldier.
not bucky.
i don't know you .
you are just another person with his face.
you mean nothing to me .'
he pulls the trigger and everything goes black.

*end flashback*

i yolt awake.
i can't even sleep anymore without being tounted.
those last words hunted me.
you mean nothing to me
it ego's in my head .
tears start streaming down my face.
what if i do mean nothing to him?

steve's p.o.v

i awake by silend wimperming from the other room.
i go to the door of bucky's room and the simpering stops.
i keep listening to him.
he keeps breathing heavy.
so heavy i can hear it through his door.
then i hear him start sobbing.
silent sobs.
just hearing his silent sobs breaks my heart.
i don't know what came over me but i just opened the door and ran to bucky .
i gave him a bear hug and can't keep myself from crying to.
' why are you crying?' i ask between sobs .
' i just had a nightmare. nothing special.' he says.
' if it was nothing special you wouldn't be crying.' i say.
'do you want to talk about it?' i ask.
he nods.

' we were in a base i just killed so many people. you held a gun to my head and told me i meant nothing to you.' tears where blurring my vision.
i couldn't believe it.
'bucky you know that i would walk to the end of the world for you. i would never say something like that.' i say putting my hand on his cheek and wiping his tears.
' please stay.' he says a little embarrased.

'okay.' i wisper.
so we lay down.
him in my arms. his body warming mine.
on that specific moment nothing or no one could tell me differently.
i love bucky barnes


' we found a way to get the words to work again sir' the scientist says.
i smirk.
' we are coming soldier. and you will be ours to take.' i laugh.
' everyone you care about will be dead in a mather of days and it wil al be your fault.' i laugh evily.

heeelllooo geeeky 's
how you like it so far
sorry for not posting
reads i am shooked
thank you all
love you❤️
miss geeky

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