a dream is just a dream

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bucky's p.o.v.

that night, i just couldn't get the sight of steve being beaten up out of my head.
it hounted me.
seeing his beaten face crushed my heart.
but i got this feeling, this feeling i have never felt before(told you you would get tea).

but i can't place it.
it feels so good.
better than feeling happy.
i've never felt it before but is feels amazing.
his looking into his blue eyes made my heart fluster.
i don't ever want this feeling to go away.
even tho i don't know what it means(blind🙄).

steve's p.o.v.

today wasn't the best day, but it did do something right.
it looks like bucky and i got closer.
i don't know why , the last few days just seeing him would make me happy.
like extremly happy.
i couldn't get him out of my head.


bucky and i are just walking down the street.
chatting a little.
suddenly we're in the apartement ,
and we are laughing and chatting and just looking in each other's eyes.
this one time we don't break eye contact.
we just keep looking.
we both lean in a little.
still not knowing if this was a good idea.
but after looking in each other eyes and giving each other a reasuring look , we crash our lips on each other.
it's passionate, but not rushed , because we both still don't know how this is happening.
but it feels like it is never been different.

*end dream*

my eyes open.
so that was the feeling i was feeling.
it was love.
but he would never love me back.
i'm just a friend
a dream is just a dream.

bucky's p.o.v.


we are watching something called iCarly and it's actually pretty good.
steve and i laugh a lot and it just feels right.
'hey buck i wanted to tell you something.' steve suddenl says.
'okay go ahead.' i say.
'so these past few weeks have been really amazing and-' 'are you kicking me out punk.' i say mocking him a little.
' no!' he yells and gives me a playfull push.

'so as i was saying , these past few weeks have been amazing and sinds a few days i have been feeling-uum- different.'i says.
'omg are you pregnant.' i say trying to hold in the laughter.
' if you would let me finish!' he says a little anoyed.
'so for a few days i've seen you as-' he stops.
'continue you're making me nervous.'
i say snickering a bit.
'for the past few days i've been seeing you as more than a friend!'
he suddenly says.
my eyes grow wide.
before i can say something he crashes his lips on mine.
it's everything i've ever wanted .
his soft lips on mine.
i wish this moment never ended.

*end dream*

so i got a crush on my best friend.
thats what i was feeling.
it was love.
but a dream is just a dream.

told you , you would get tea.
i hope you like this chapter.
tommorow i'm probably writing a new one.
tell me how you feel about this story.
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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