the apartement

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bucky's p.o.v.

'so, what do you think?' steve asks me.
i look around the apartement and it looks amazing.
'it's so good, way better than my hit in wakanda.' it tell him.
'and it reminds me of the good old days when we lived together.' i say.
'hopefully we can unpack the boxes as fast as possible so no one trips.' he says.
'yeah 'cause it would be a disaster if 'america's star sprankled man with a plan would scratch hes knee.' i mock him.
he gives me a playfull push and starts unpacking the boxes.

after a few boxes i decide that it is time for some fun.
i take a halloween mask tony bought for steve and a blanket and put it on.
steve is so busy unpacking his that he doesn't hear me come in.
i sneak up behind him and' graaaahhhhhhhh' steve screams line a little girl and almost jumps out the window while i laugh my ass of.
'are you nuts. i could've had a heart attack.' he yells.
i calm myself down and say ' you're way to easy to scare punk.' ' jerk' he says back.


steve and i are eating dinner while watching some teenager show called 'big time rush'.
it's actually pretty good so i'm enjoying myself.
' hey jerk, tony asked if we wanted to go eat with the team at his place tommorow. wanna go?' he asks me.
'whatever you want punk.' i say.
we finish our dinner and go back to watching some show named 'kim possible'.
i wish they made this in our time
i think to myself.
my eyes are getting heavy and i feel my head falling on steve's shoulder.
not even a minute later i'm fast asleep on steve's shoulder.

steve's p.o.v.

after a while of watching ' kim possible' i feel bucky's head fall on my shoulder
he must be exhausted
i think to myself.
i start noticing things on bucky i have never noticed before,
his sharp jawline,
his goofy hair,
the way he breaths calm's me.
and before i know it , i'm of to wonderland to.

hello everyone,
are you enjoying yourself.
i know it's still a bit boring but i swear,
the tea wil come , wait and see.

i would never forget you (stucky)Where stories live. Discover now