Chapter Twenty-Three

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Song Chapter: Graveyard, by Halsey

Song Chapter: Graveyard, by Halsey

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After last night I had slept all night to only be woken up by my alarm that was blaring in order for me to get to class on time. I didn't mind my classes one bit; they were all interesting, that it is for my math class. In which I dreaded waking up to so early in the morning just to attend. What had made the day better though was the message I had received from Finn. He had sent me pictures of the freshly baked lemon loaves he had just taken out of the oven. He knew those were my favorites and it had me impatient in class just wanting to get to work quickly just to take a bite of the yellow fluffiness.

I walked around the corner of the street and headed straight towards the doors of the café. As I entered the café I quickly ran towards the back and grabbed Finn's shoulders and shook them abruptly. "Where are the loaves?!" I asked him aggressively. Finn laughs it off and points towards the corner of the counter in the kitchen that had a white plate with a delicious warm lemon loaf set right on top of it. I walk over and stuff my mouth while Finn just continues to laugh at my savage like appearance as I scarfed down the delicious, warm, fluffy cake.

"Have you not had breakfast yet?" Finn asks me.

"No, I didn't feel like having an awkward breakfast with my father, because dinner last night was awkward enough." I responded as I stuffed my face with the freshly baked good.

"What happened last night?"

"Let's just say that a lot of honest feelings were spilled out at the dinner table." I said while putting up my hair to get ready to work.

"Well it seems like you're going to have more conversating to do." Finn says nudging his head forward, signaling me to turn around and look at the entrance through the little window of the kitchen's door. Coming in through the café's doors was no other than Carmen herself.

"God not this," I say in distress rubbing my hands through my face.

"You want me to tell her that you're not ready to talk to her yet?" Finn asks.

"What happened to me having to stop ghosting and start talking?" I ask at his change of opinion towards my actions.

Finn shrugs and walks closer to me, "I don't know I think you did enough by talking to your dad. If you're not ready to confront someone that hurt you yet it's okay. Take your time, but just don't push those who want to help you away."

Finn was right, I had to make sure that I wasn't pushing those away that were trying to be there for me. I look over to Carmen pondering on the thought that maybe she was here to help me not just to apologize. Maybe there was a reason she was quick to defend Leo. That day I had been so quick to shut her out but that was because I had refused that Leo had any chance of being able to change his bad demeanor.

"Finn, I think I'm just going to go and try to talk to her and see what she has to say."

"Okay Emma, don't feel like anyone is forcing you. You can do what you feel is right."

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