Yet I'm honest and I'm at the bottom of the social pyramid.

Maybe being gorgeous and a piss off is worth our time in this generation?

Amberley spotted me and like the extravagant person she is Laura flipped her braids over her shoulder then pointed at Harrison.

Amberley shrugged and pushed the girl who i now recognise as Emma off her brother.

"Look, Liberty is looking at you!" She jumped and Harrison spoke in a hushed tone,
"Why are you telling me?" Amberley pouted,
"Dear brother, you told me to signal you when she looked over at you and this bimbo."

Emma is quiet.


I love you Amberley Ryder anyone who can shut Emma up is in my good books.

I salute you Amberley.

No let's get married!

Forget i said that.

Harrison rolled his eyes and fixed his gaze onto me,
"What do you want?" I rose an eyebrow,

Does this guy have biopolar disorder?

He was all nice and now he's a bad guy.

Sorry bro but unlike those girls who think they can change the bad boy with thier magic vagina. I'd prefer a good guy who doesn't insult me.

"Don't talk to my bestie like that, you posted those pictures and as her bestie i called in a lawyer." Laura spoke with a glare.

"A lawyer?" Amberley asked,

please don't.

"That would be me." Kelly stood up, Amberley huffed,
"Well why don't we have Liberty talk?" Her eyes fixed on me and i shrunk,
"Yes Liberty why don't you speak?" Maximillian's gaze fixed onto me.

Does this family have some sort of eye related superpower like Dwayne "the rock" Johnson in Jumanji?

i shrunk even smaller, the cafeteria was quiet, even the chatty lunch ladies were quiet.

They're never quiet!
Why are people going silent today? More specifically, why are they going quiet once i am involved in something?

"She won't speak, your being intimidating and when she's intimidated she freezes." Harrison said blankly at the sound of his voice i grew a bit.

"Not all the time." I squeal and Laura's eyes widen,
"You talked?" Kelly glanced between Harrison and i,
"Does she talk to you?" He asked walking towards Harrison.

Oh god Kelly what are you doing?

"All the time." They glared at one another and everyone could feel the thick atmosphere stack,
"Make her talk again." I furrow my eyebrows.

So your encouraging him to piss me off? Wow friendship at its peak right there.(note the sarcasm)

"Hey ugly girl talk to me." I cross my arms shaking my head,
"Are you really sticking to what you said in maths yesterday huh?" I nod sharply,
"Whoe, hold up, she said something?"

Around the cafeteria the people from our math nod and murmur.

"She insulted me actually." I glare at Harrison growing back to full size,

Someone highfive me for that DC super hero girls reference!


Come on you know bumble shrinks- forget it.

"I did not, you kept calling me ugly girl but I'm not ugly." I throw my hands up and Laura and Kelly's eyes widen,
"She's finally normal!" They yell together and i wince at the rise in volume.

"What do you mean?" Amberley asks looking be withered,
"Our good friend Liberty, has never and i mean never talked to anyone besides Kelly, Lewis,Austin and i, she usually takes a puff her inhaler and keeps quiet." Harrison's eyes widened, by now the cafeteria was noisy once more.

"You aren't a nerd, your a...i don't even have words, Harrison walked towards me, straddled a chair and looking ever so charming cocking his head to the side so his hair fell into his eyes.

Instinctively i brushed away the loose locks, his eyes glued to mine,
"Don't look at me like that." He smirks,
"Why not?" I chew on my lip scrambling for a valid reason,
"Your eyes are...they're hard not to look into." He smiled genuinely and leaned in close,now this was a sight the cafeteria gasped in unison as his warm lips met my cheek,
"See you around ugly girl." He whispered his lips leaving a warm wave on my cheek and throughout my body.

he stood up then turned to me,
"I suppose we're friends now." He winked and i slump back into my chair.
"All that's left is for you to fall helplessly in love with me." He smirked and I raised an eyebrow at him,
"Me love you? Yeah that sounds never happening." I said and he shrugged,
"Well, you will. I mean formula is already there."  He said with a smile plastered across his face.

"What formula?"

"Well, for two people to fall in love there is a formula, Annoyance, Friendship, Trust and finally Chemical X."

"What is chemical X?"

"Don't worry about it, just know we have it."

This is my first author's note in this book.

Honestly if ur reading this i thank you for giving a book that legit insults a girl most of the time a chance.

I mean come on how many times has Liberty been insulted?
How many times will she be?

I need some help deciding on what Liberty must look like, which is why she wasn't really discribed in looks and more in personality.

Thank you for reading.


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