Go Wherever

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I think sometimes when we go to sleep, we leave our bodies and go to another place. I think it's called Astro Projection, I'm pretty sure I read it somewhere in school. Seems possible to me. Hell why not? Some people say it's just the a chemical reaction in our brains, but I know what I feel. Can't nobody else tell me how I think.

A Coma.....wow. A fucking coma......??

How did she go from heart attack to a coma? Aren't coma's just a deep sleep anyway?

I looked at the doctor rambling on about shit.

I started thinking about all the places I would visit in a deep sleep like that. One deep beautiful sleep. Imagine if I pulled up to all the places rich people go to man, I could flex and call them broke for once.

"Ma'am?.... Jordan?... Maybe you need to sit down" The Dr. pointed to some chairs by the window.

I glanced up at him. I have no idea how long he was standing over here blowing air out his ass. I wanted to punch him in the face for talking to me. I wanted to cry. I wanted to see Ma.

"Can I see her now? My mom?"

"Yes you can ,but she can't respond so be prepared "

I followed the doctor down a long white hallway to my mom's room. It was so cold in there.

For a moment I stood at the doorway just watching her sleep. At least I know she's not in any pain right now, I won't be able to say that when she wakes up...if she wakes up. Smh. Fuck

I sat down beside her on the bed. I leaned over her for a second ,just resting my head on her.

I finally exhaled. I guess I was holding my breath without knowing it.
Okay, at least for now I know she's stable.

I got to get my sister and figure and out what we're going to do. No way my mama can go to work anytime soon now.

I pulled out my phone, I need my cousin Ty to come pick me up so I can go get Asia.

"Aye Ty"

"Wassup lil Jordy".

"Hey man moms is in the hospital. I'm with her now. "

"Damn cuz you okay? What you need?"

He came to pick me up a few minutes later.

*Later That Night*

"Jordy will you read to me before you go?" Asia grabs my arm. Honestly after the day I had, I wanted to tell her no. But I know if I don't she won't sleep good and that girl is persistent as hell.

"Ok, come here" She climbed in my lap.

"Aye lil cuz Ima just crash here, I don't want to go home anyway." Ty yelled from the living room.
He was layed out on the couch.

"Okay cool just let me know before you leave I need to go to the store! "

"Aye......Here man.." Ty came to my doorway and tossed me the keys to his car. " Do what you gotta do. I'm tryna sleep."

"Appreciate it bruh" I grabbed the keys out the air, I read some random book she picked out until I knew she was out for good then got up. I dug through the kitchen and made myself something to snack on.

I went in my room and made sure to close the door behind me. I haven't cried in so long, I'm not about to start now. I took out my blunt I rolled earlier and lit it. Fuck it, if the job drug test me Tuesday, then I guess I won't get it.

I laid back and dialed my girls number. I need to hear her voice.

"Hey baby omg are you ok" she answerd right away.

xDifferent Ceilingsx(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now