"What now?" we dusted our hands simultaneously while he questioned.

"You tell me, this is your house isn't it? What do you usually do?" I asked due to pure boredom.

"Watch movies, eat, cook, go on my phone, play video games occasionally." He shrugged.

"What video games?" I narrowed my eyes down at him, hoping he would say the one game I like and can play.

"I do have Mario kart if that's what you wanna hear," he chuckled while I silently cheered in my head.

"Oh yeah, Mario kart's cool. Wanna play?" I brushed it off, acting cool. 

He laughed while opening his door for me. "My lady." He held his hand out, gesturing me to walk first. 

I shook my head as we went back to the living room. I sat on the couch, waiting patiently or well, not so patiently for him to set everything up before handing me the remote. I was going the classic route and picking Mario even though we argued because he wanted to pick Mario. I suggested he took baby Mario but this guy wasn't budging.

"Take Luigi, the underrated half of the Mario brothers," I grunted while trying to pick Mario but he wouldn't let me. "Luigi's older than Mario and you're older than me," I stated factually. As if that was a good argument.

"I'm only older by like two months," he argued while trying to pick Mario but before he could do so, I snatched his controller.

"You don't know my birthday!" I argued defensively. 

Why? No clue.

"Yes I do, it's October thirteenth! Mine is August twenty-fourth!" He proved my point.

"Exactly, you're older. Pick the older brother!" I tried picking Luigi for him but he took the controller back in time.

"Fine! I'll take baby Mario." I let out a frustrated sigh before picking baby Mario. 

He picked Mario and we began the race.

We picked Koopa Troopa Beach and we began racing. I'm not usually that much of a competitive person but when it comes to Mario Kart, it's a whole different story. 

"Go! Go!" I screamed as I got inked on while Xavier sped right past me. "Ha!" I cheered as he got inked on too.

"One more lap! One more lap!" he screamed beside me, I was winning. I was in first, he was in second.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I screamed. "Yes!" I stood up and shouted as I came in first. "Loser!" I teased, rubbing it in his face. I jumped around for a short moment before he spoke up.

"That's not fair! I got inked on!" he argued, pouting like a baby.

"So? I did too." I shrugged while setting the remote down.

He's gonna ask for a rematch in three, two, one... 

"I want a rematch." he challenged. Boys and their egos. They just can't handle losing, let alone from a girl I assume.

"Fine," I spoke sitting back down. "But I get Mario." I set down my condition.

"Fine," he spoke bitterly. This time he picked baby Mario and I got Mario, my lucky player. Let's do this Mario.

"Good luck, loser," I mumbled as the countdown began. I sped, using the rocket start of course, and went by smoothly, in the lead until he bumped his kart into mine.

"Bye Carthy!" he teased from beside me. 

I threw out a shell shock which hit his kart full force as I swung by him. "Parker! I got you!" I teased as I began my second lap while he finished his first. He threw a shell shock at me which I dodged and I could now see the finish line while his kart followed me.

"Come on! Go!" he screamed from beside me as my kart crossed the line, his following closely but then again, I won!

"Did I prove my point or would you like another game?" I arched an eyebrow at him tauntingly.

"I have to give it to you Carthy, you are one amazing Mario kart player. Hats off." He saluted me with two fingers as I stood up and took a bow exaggeratedly.

"What else is there to do in this house of yours?" I sighed while sitting back down, both of us placing our controllers on the table.

"We can cook something if you want? It's lunchtime anyway," he suggested while shrugging and entering the kitchen, me following like a lost puppy.

"Um- I can't cook," I chuckled humorlessly. 

He casually shrugged before turning to me, "So? I can. What do you want? Pasta, Lasagna, Mac n' Cheese, Roasted chicken..." he trailed off. 

The boy can cook? I'm impressed.

"Um- I'll stick to mac n' cheese," I spoke, playing it safe, I didn't know how good he cooked so I picked something simple that I could cook too.






RIP mobile Mario Kart. From September 2019- September 2019.

seriously tho, wth? why are they adding money for membership to it? no one's gonna pay for it!!!!

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