no. 12 "freedom."

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Atticus felt like his life fell apart in front of his eyes.

Somebody called the police,  while the rest of the guests stood outside. Atticus hasn't moved from his spot this entire time, not even when the police came.

A purple hyacinth.

Atticus felt somebody approach and sit next to him. He didn't look up, but he guessed it was Alyssa.

Instead, it was a girl with pink, almost gray hair, a black yacht hat with a silver heart, and a long dress underneath her wintery coat.

"Atticus Voyance."

He raised his head upon hearing his name, which was met with a calm smile. He's never met this girl before, yet she knew his name.

She reached up a hand a wiped away his tears, tears which he didn't realize were there, and nodded.

"Reese doesn't like it when people cry. He always thinks he did something wrong if somebody cries near him." The girl admitted softly, before taking the flower from Atticus' hand.

"Purple hyacinth. It means apology."

"Apology from who? Reese?"

"Azamuku. Reese was taken over by Azamuku and died to his hands."

They rested in silence, as Atticus processed the information.

"Are you mad at him?"


"Why so?"

"Maybe there was a reason. A reason I don't know and might not understand. But that's okay. There's nothing we can do now."

"Would you like to see Reese again?"

"As in bring him back..? No. Everything happens for a reason, and I don't want to mess with that reason."

The girl nodded, satisfied with the answer. She stood up and smiled back at Atticus.

"I'm Lorelay St. Claire. Reese's sister and the X rank 'Saiya'. It was a pleasure meeting you."

. . .

"...You let that maniac get away? After all he's done?!" Alyssa exclaimed. It's been a few days since Atticus spoke with Lorelay. Since then, Atticus decided not to report Azamuku, and forced Alyssa to not speak of it either.

"As I said before: I'm satisfied. I have no intention of seeking revenge. That's just pointless and rude. Plus- he has a life to live just like I do, now."

"I would hardly call this a life. You left all your fortune and all the opportunities to do what exactly?"

"Live freely. You should try it sometime."

It was true: Atticus moved out from his family home to live on his own. He always felt obligated to stay to look after his sister and mother, but this was just another step to living a more free life. He also started getting more seriously into art, and was already planning to go to school for it, despite there already being a well written path of fortune for him.

So while Atticus was living his own life, the marriage got cancelled, and Alyssa was removed from the burden that was a forced relationship. However, she was still stuck in her demanding lifestyle.

"I can't believe you. How could you drop this like nothing ever happened? When Yvonne died I could barely stand waking up in the morning."

"That's different. This is what he would've wanted for me. To carry on. I don't feel sad, Alyssa..." Atticus trailed off, looking at Alyssa. Alyssa hasn't seen such a calm and happy Atticus since they were kids. It was like all the icy barriers were melted.

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