Chapter 24: Stupid Nightmares

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Another day and another work day complete. Bella loved her job as being a Deputy and especially here in Hope County but the days started going slow after having kids. All she wanted was to go back home and give her kids a big cuddle.

She was only five minutes away from arriving home and seeing her family again. She had a big smile on her face but the moment she pulled up in the driveway, her smile had disappeared. There was a strange car in the driveway of her home, one she had never seen before. She put her car on park, jumped out off the car and slowly made her way to the front door.

Upon opening the door, Bella noticed how dark and quiet the house was. Jacob didn't seem to be around and neither did the twins.

"What's going on?" She whispered to herself, as she walked inside the house.

She stayed quiet for a short moment, before hearing noises coming from the bedroom. It sounded like bed was making squeaky noises. Her heart sunk, she didn't want to believe that something bad was happening behind those doors. She put her hand on the door knob and turned it. The door opened quietly and she was finally able to see what was happening.

"Jacob?" She said out loud.

The moment he turned around to look at her, Bella got to see what was really happening. There was another girl in her bed, completely naked and so was Jacob. He stumbled out of bed, covering his bottom part of his body with the blanket, while the girl covered herself with one of the pillows. With a more closer look, Bella was able to make out who she was. It was the Sheriff's daughter, Sonia. She was the one that partnered up with Jacob on her mother's wedding day, as the bridesmaids.

"What the fuck is this? You're cheating on me?" Bella started panicking.

"Bella, I can explain" Jacob said.

"You don't have to explain anything Jacob. I can see it with my own fucking eyes. We have children together. What the fuck?" Bella started to freak out. She grabbed the vase that was on the draws and threw it at Jacob. "I knew it. I fucking knew something was wrong. How the fuck are you going to look into our children's eyes, you bastard?"

"Bella, I'm sorry" Jacob tried to apologise.

"Jacob how can you? Jacob. Jacob............."


Bella immediately sat up on the bed and breathed heavily. She almost felt like she was having a panic attack but her breathing settled down the moment she felt Jacob's arm around her. She looked at him and saw the worried look on his face. "It was just a dream. Thank fuck" Bella said.

"It was baby. It was just a dream" Jacob said, comforting her.

Bella sighed and gave Jacob a big hug. What a bloody dream.

"Bella? You wanna tell me what you dreamt about? Obviously it's something serious, considering how badly you're sweating and breathing" Jacob asked, trying to get answers.

"Don't worry about it" Bella said, pulling away from Jacob. "Go back to sleep. I'm just going to grab a glass of water and then come back to bed".

"Ok baby".


Days went by, which eventually then turned into weeks. Every night all Bella saw in her dreams was Jacob cheating on her and she just had enough. It was all Hudson's fault, she had put this in her mind and everything worse for Bella. She was barely smiling anymore because she tried her best at night times, not to fall asleep. Jacob questioned her every day but Bella ignored him. Things were even getting odd between the two of them. Her nightmares were keeping her away from Jacob, cause she really believed that her nightmares were trying to tell her something.

The worse part of all, The Sheriff's daughter was back in Hope County as well. The day she came back was the same day she was starting to have those nightmares and every night, she was in them because that was who she saw Jacob having sex with. 

"Good afternoon everyone" Linda said, greeting the Bella and her family.

"Grandma!" The twins yelled and ran straight to her and Earl.

Linda gave the twins a hug and then looked up at Bella, "sweetie? Are you okay?".

"Yeah I'm fine" Bella answered back with attitude. Much to her disappointment, Sonia walked out from behind her father and smiled at Bella. Her blood started to boil, this was not someone she wanted to really see right now.

"Hi Bella. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Sonia said and hugged her.

Isabella didn't answer her and instead watched as Sonia made her way inside, greeting the twins before looking up at Jacob and shaking his hand.

"We've got some news for you kids" Linda informed Jacob and Bella, before taking a seat on the couch.

Bella made her way next to Jacob, giving him a mean look. Thankfully no one saw it, not even Jacob.

"News?" Jacob asked.

"Yep, it's got something to do with me. I'm moving back to Hope County, for good" Sonia announced.

"Wow. That's amazing" Jacob said, congratulating Sonia on her exciting news. "Isn't that great Bella?".

She looked at Jacob and gave him a sarcastic smile, "yeah that's fantastic".

"Bella?" Jacob whispered, noticing her behaviour.

"I'm sorry, I just need a drink. Anyone else want one?" Bella asked and walked into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Linda made her way into the kitchen. After noticing her daughters strange behaviour, she wanted to know what was going on. "Bella? Are you okay my dear?".

At first Bella didn't answer her mother but only turned around to look at her.

"Bella? You're scaring me. What's going on?" Linda asked again.

Just as she was about to answer her mother back, Jacob walked into the kitchen. At that moment Bella shook her head and ran out off the house. Linda and Jacob looked at each other, before following her outside.

"Sweetie? What's going on? Please talk to me. I'm your mother"

"I don't want that lady anywhere near my family" Bella bursted out.

"What? But she's my husbands daughter. She's going to be around you and me from now on" Linda became shocked.

"Bella, why are you acting like this?" Jacob got involved as well.

"I have my god damn reasons Jacob, you don't need to know everything" she snapped at him. "You know what, fuck this shit. I'm leaving".

"Isabella! You will turn around right now and talk to me" Linda said, putting her foot down. "How dare you speak to your partner like that?".

"It's all Hudson's fault. If you really want answers, ask that bitch" Bella said and rushed back inside the house. She grabbed the twins and left the house immediately, leaving everyone surprised and shocked but Jacob angry and fuming.

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