Chapter 2: The Neighbour

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Isabella had a good sleep in, when she woke up and saw the time, she flew out off bed. The Sheriff was going to be over soon and she hasn't even had anything to eat. But one thing was on her mind, why did Sheriff Whitehorse want to talk about Jacob Seed with her? Was there something she had to know?

She shook her head, walked out of her bedroom and stretched out her whole body. "God that was a good sleep in. And look at that, the suns out again". With saying that, Isabella walked outside, forgetting that she was still in her short nightgown. She walked to her mailbox and checked to see if she had any mail.

"How's it going neighbour?" A familiar voice said.

Isabella turned around and came eye to eye with Jacob Seed. "Oh, good morning. How are you?".

"Not too bad. My, aren't you a sight for sore eyes" Jacob said in a flirty way.

Isabella looked down and finally realised that she walked out in her nightgown. "Oops" she said and blushed.

"Hey don't be embarrassed, it happens when you are still half a sleep" Jacob said and walked past her. "See you around neighbour" he said again and walked off, leaving Isabella red in the face.

"God, he went from being a jerk to a tease" Bella laughed and walked back inside. "I better change before the Sheriff gets here".


An hour later, Sheriff Whitehorse finally arrived. Isabella told him to make himself comfortable, while she got them both coffee to drink while they talked.

"Thank you for last night again Sheriff"

"That's quite alright. We do have to look after each other, after all" the Sheriff said. "Listen Rookie, I'm not going to stall or make you wait any longer. The reason why I had you relocated here to Hope County was because I needed someone young and attractive".

"Umm..ok but why?" Isabella was confused. Why did he need someone young and attractive? And did he just admit that she was attractive?

"I've tried older women as well but it seems like Jacob finds younger women more attractive"

"Oh right. This was about my neighbour wasn't it? But I am so confused Sheriff?"

"Let me explain. A year ago, Jacob and his two brothers were bad guys. They had a religious cult, who fought anyone and everyone. We've lost many people because of them. We had another young and attractive Deputy who fought against the Seed's but we realised that they actually liked her a lot." The sheriff explained. "The day the war ended was the same day that the Deputy died. After that, Jacob's two brothers John and Joseph, turned to good guys and we want to believe that Jacob has too but he keeps to himself a lot".

"And I believe, that's where I come in?" Isabella asked, starting to understand everything now.

"Yes. I'm going to give you a secret mission. No ones allowed to know. This is going to be between you and me. Got it?"

"Sure. So what's the mission?"

"I need you to befriend Jacob Seed. Get as close as you can, with him and try to find out if he is good or if he is still a bad guy. I don't care how you do it Rook, just as long as you get Jacob Seed on our side" the Sheriff explained the mission.

Isabella thought about it for a second. She already know how hard this mission was going to be, especially since she's seen Jacob's bad side a few times. "I'll do my best".

"Please Rookie. Do whatever you have to but please, do be careful as well"

"I will Sheriff. Don't worry. What else should I know about Jacob Seed?" Isabella asked, hoping that the Sheriff would give her more details about Jacob.

"We don't know a lot about Jacob but Joseph's told us that he had a very rough past. Especially in his army days but Joseph has made it clear that we should never mention anything to Jacob. Getting him angry means we push him away. That's why I suggest that you don't mention anything about his army days or ask about his past. If Jacob feels comfortable enough, he might even tell you himself" the sheriff said and stood up. "You've got your very first mission Rook. Like I said don't tell anyone. Not even Hudson or Pratt. You come to work every day, acting normal and leave everyday still acting normal. One mistake could put this whole mission into jeopardy".

"I understand Sheriff. You don't have to worry" Isabella assured him and walked him out.

"See you on Monday Rookie"

"Likewise Sheriff. Have a great weekend".

As the Sheriff walked to his truck, Isabella looked to the left and saw Jacob cutting some wood. The best part of it, was the fact that he was topless. "Oh my god. My neighbour is fucking hot" she said to herself, only to realise that Jacob was staring at her.

"You enjoying the view?" He yelled out to her.

Isabella immediately blushed and made her way over to Jacob. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare at you. What are you doing?".

"Chopping up some wood for the fireplace. Looks like the weather is going to change and I like being prepared" Jacob explained to her. "Sheriff was over again?".

"Yep. Had to give me some paperwork. Haven't been here for more than a day and he is already piling on all the work" Isabella said.

"I'm surprised he didn't drag you to work today" Jacob joked.

"I'm glad he didn't. My feet still hurt from all the unpacking" she smiled. "Hey I was actually wondering, if you are free tonight, why don't you come over for dinner. I'm going to go to the store soon and buy some steaks. Seeing that you like meat so much, I thought it would be a great idea".

"Thanks for the offer but...."

"No buts. Please. It'll be great and we can get to know each other a bit" Isabella said, cutting him off.

"I'll think about it".

"You'll come and that's it".

"You're very pushy".

"Jacob, every time we see each other, you cut our talks short and run off. I always tell myself that maybe your just busy but then i come across you shortly after. I just want to have a nice long chat and get to know you. After all, we are neighbours".

Jacob sighed and looked at Bella, "what time?".

"6pm. I'll have the dinner ready"

"Alright then, I'll see you tonight" Jacob said, a small smirk appearing on his face.

"Great. See you tonight then" Isabella said and rushed off to her home.

Jacob watched her and shook his head in annoyance, "this ones going to be a handful" he said to himself and continued to chop his wood.

Befriended (Jacob Seed X Female Deputy)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum