I opened the bag, and there I found my watch with a sticky note attached to it. I detached the note and read it.

Here's your watch, I found it in my house. I hope you can accept it, and won't think I stole it (Because I didn't). Anywho, as a side note, I'd like to apologize for all the hurt I put on you. Of course, I can't make the pain disappear, but hopefully we can be friends or acquaintances at least?

-sincerely, Viola Lawson

Who am I kidding? Viola went out of her way to return something of mine, when she could've kept it. And I vaguely remember one of Miles' friends taking the watch from me, and Miles placing it in his pocket. Why would she set me up for robbery, and then give one of the stolen objects back to me? What if, she really didn't know, and I yelled at her for absolutely no reason? Shit, I fucked up...


I couldn't walk inside of my house for a few minutes after I arrived. I just couldn't believe it. Donald really released his anger on me for something I didn't do. Not only that, he shook me rapidly, and called me a 'bitch' and a 'whore' repeatedly. Yes, I've been called that and worse by many people in my life. Yet, hearing it from him stung like salt on an open wound.

I also wonder what he meant by me sending Miles and his friends to beat him up and rob him? Miles is a total sweetheart, and he would never do such a thing. Right? I might have to question him, because this is beginning to get out of hand. I closely analyzed the bruises Donald left on my arms from squeezing them too hard. There is no damn way I can hide these from Miles. Of course, I'll try my luck and keep my jacket on for as long as possible.

I walked into the house, only to find Miles and a bunch of other men I've never seen before, drinking and watching a football game. Miles didn't see me come in at first, so I used that to my advantage so I could sneak upstairs. That is, until the game went on halftime.

"Viola, baby where are you going?" Miles asked while I was tip toeing up the stairs. I paused for a moment, and turned back down the stairs, not before whispering, 'fuck'. I quickly put a smile on my face and sat down on Miles' lap.

"Miles, did Veronica leave already?" I asked.

"Yeah, like forty minutes ago after taking two buckets of cookies n' cream ice cream in the cold ass weather." Miles chuckled.

"Ah, so this is the woman you've been yapping on about on the phone. Glad to finally meet her in person. You got yourself a fine honey right here." One of the men extended his arm to give me a hand shake. I happily shook his hand and gave him sweet smile. "Hello, I'm Sean."

"Viola, nice to meet you." I responded.

"I also see you two already got busy." The man laughed while pointing to my stomach.

"Yep, we sure did." Miles smile while kissing me on the cheek. I couldn't hold in my happiness, and ended up grinning ear to ear while blushing.

We all continued to talk for a bit, and I even told the story on how Miles and I met. Afterwards, the boys continue to watch the game once it got off of half time. They seemed to enjoy the game, to the point where I thought all of them forgot I was even there. Which is a good thing for my case. I slowly slid off of Miles' lap, and snuck upstairs to take a shower.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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