Chapter 38

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I can't say being back at school was a relief. Thanksgiving break was a much needed vacation and it definitely made things easier going back. Between Ben and I getting back together, the entire family coming out to celebrate with us, Ben being adored by everyone he crossed paths with in the family...things seemed to be getting back on track.

Unfortunately, had it not been for the fact that I still had Mr. Fassbender's class for three more weeks, my life would be almost perfect. He knew I had reported him to the Dean and he didn't shy away from making it noticed. He would often glare at me, sometimes embarrass me in front of the class for talking—when I wasn't—and even went so low as to nearly fail me when I was doing perfectly well.

This upset Ben greatly, but I made him promise not to do anything. It would only make matters worse and it was only three more weeks. It wasn't going to kill me.

One day, I had a particularly bad one. It was raining and it was coming down hard. As a matter of fact, there was a thunderstorm in the middle of the night and it cut out everyone's power. So I, and the entire campus, were late for class that morning. The only reason I had woken up is because Lee was frantically yelling that we had slept in until noon!

I quickly got dressed and woke up Aaron and Ben by banging on their door. Everyone in our dorm building was running and rushing like no other! Ben and I ran across campus through the heavy rain with every other student running either direction of us. When we managed to make it into the English building, we could see a lot of the students sitting and taking notes while Mr. Fassbender spoke.

A few students looked as rushed and soaked as we did, but not many. They looked as if they had actually got up on time and made it. "Ah," Mr. Fassbender announced, "more late students. Sit down, we'll talk about docking your points later. Anyways, as I was saying before being so rudely interrupted..."

I scoffed as Ben scowled and went to his seat. I'm not sure what caused me to do what I did next, but I had a fairly good idea. I was done. I was done with Mr. Fassbender and his low attempts to humiliate me. I just wasn't going to have it anymore.

"Fuck you," I told him. The entire class looked at me with shocked expressions, some with smiles on their faces and laughing. Mr. Fassbender looked to me and said, "Excuse me? What did you just say?"

Ben was at his seat, but was slowly getting up while glaring at me. Clearly, this was not the time for an outburst, but I couldn't help it!

"I said," I repeated, "fuck you! The entire campus had a blackout, our alarms didn't go off! Some of us plugged our phones in and they got fried from the thunderstorm! So maybe, Michael, you can show that you have a single goddamn bone of sympathy in your body and give us a goddamn break!"

I could see some of the kids standing up to get a better look, but I could see all of them had their phones out. The ones that were standing were blocking Ben from getting to me. Looking back, I kind of wish he could have, but...then again, maybe it was a good thing he didn't.

Michael started to slowly walk over with a smug look and his hands behind his back. "My, my, Ms. Hansen," he said, being eerily calm, "those are quite the words from someone who is failing miserably in this class."

Every student started laughing, making me feel ashamed. If only they knew. He continued, "However, the students that were on time were smart, weren't they? They hear a thunderstorm and they know not to plug in any electronics in for the night. It's common sense, is it not?"

No, not really!

"So, here's what I propose you do, Cassandra," he continued. "Sit down, shut up and learn something!" I went to retort something back, but...suddenly, I couldn't. Nothing was coming out. I looked around me and saw everything starting to spin. It was slow at first, but then it got faster and faster.

I could hear Ben faintly shout something, but then I felt myself hit something hard. I didn't realize it was the ground until the room's spinning seemed to calm and I saw Ben towering over me. "Baby," I heard him faintly say. "Baby, what is it? What's wrong?"

Again, I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. It's as if something was preventing me from talking! Suddenly, I turned my head away from him and threw up all over someone's shoes! I looked up to see Michael in shock at the state of his shoes and the cuffs of his pants.

I heard some people clap and laughing...but I don't remember anything after that.

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