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if someone asked me
how it felt
to be a goddess
in a human body,
i wouldn't answer.

i wouldn't tell them
that this goddess
cannot handle it.

she can't even speak
when her teacher asks a question,

she doesn't know how to act,
what to do with her hands,

it's like she's forgotten
how to be in a
human body.

she can't break out of her shell,

she's afraid,

because if she does
then her inner goddess
will be exposed,

and no one will like her.

they see it.

she knows they do

they see her potential.

they know she's smart,
she knows the answer
to all those questions.

they know she's confident,
they know that she is bold.

when she struts down the hall,
they can see it in her clothes.

they can see it
behind her acne,
they see the beauty
beyond her eyes.

but she shuts up,

she doesn't strut,
she has her head down,
because they will become
volcanoes that erupt
if she tries to be herself.

she hides away every other day

one day she loves herself,
the next day she doesn't.

nobody knows how to handle her,
not even her own self.

no one really knows that
she's a goddess and
she needs some help.

and no one is willing to give,

they are all ready to take.

they see the gold hidden
behind her smile,

and decide to poison her
with lies.

they tell her she's not pretty,
they give her mean looks,
they won't stop staring,
and they won't stop attacking.

it looks like
they're ready to pounce.

they're the lion,
she's the prey

this isn't just a game
of cat and mouse.

she's forgotten who she is,
forgotten who she was

she can't seem to remember

she's a princess,
a queen,
a warrior.

she's waiting for someone
to remind her of her power,

but it's up to her to do that

to get herself
out of this dark tower.

the golden soul of a walking goddess.Where stories live. Discover now