Chapter 20

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We got home and I inspected bentley's candy.

"Mom why do you look at my candy?" Bentley asked

"So I can make sure there's nothing wrong with it." I said

"Ok." He said

I smiled and finished.

"Ok Bentley here." I said

He grabbed it.

"But there's rules." I said

"Ok what are they?" He asked

"Only 3 tonight and 1 tomorrow." I said

"Ok." He said

"And be nice or were leaving the tour." I said

"Ok." He said

I gave him his candy and he ran to the front room of the tour bus. I looked at Justin who was across from me.

"You to." I said

"What did I do?" He asked

"No smart one inspect your candy." I said

"O right." He said

'These boys are acting very weird. I wonder what's going on.' I thought

I looked over at Amber who was laying in her car seat wide awake.

I smiled and rocked it a little. I then made her a bottle and fed her. I burped her and let her stay on my lap.

Jeremy came and started playing with her. I smiled as she smiled and looked at me like he's crazy.

Pattie walked in and giggled as well. I looked at Justin who was staring at Amber.

I felt my phone buzz and looked it was a Instagram notification from Justin.

It had a picture of Jeremy Amber and I the caption said

'Grandpa Amber and mommy on tour with me. Glad to have them otherwise if have no one to share my bed with.'

I giggled and looked at him. He smiled and looked back at my phone. I cemented

'Glad to be here with you to and the only one who should be in your bed with you is me Amber and Bentley and jazzy and jax.'

I set my phone down and looked back at Amber who was done playing with Jeremy because Jazzy and Jaxon had tackled him.

I giggled and scooted next to Justin.

"My candy is fine." He said

"Ok same rule for you 3 today 1 a day you don't need to get sick while performing." I said

"Ok." He said

I set Amber on the table so she was sitting looking at Justin and I.

Justin was making funny faces at her and she would smile.

I smiled. Bentley came and climbed on Justin's lap.

"Aww Bentley are you jealous?" I asked

He nodded.

"Aww how about tomorrow you come on stage with me." Justin said

"The entire time?" Bentley asked

"Not the entire time but I'll sing to you." He said

"Ok." Bentley said

"Bentley we love you as much as we love Amber we just have to pay more attention to her because she's smaller." I said

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