Chapter 3

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12 weeks~

Today were finding out the sex of my baby. I'm so excited we went in last month and said that my baby is healthy.

Bentley is excited to be a big brother. He tells me everyday and sings to my stomach.

We just got out of the car and walked into the waiting room. I checked in and they almost immediately called me back.

I walked back and lifted my shirt up. They pressed on my belly a little bit and then put the gel on.

"Congratulations your having a girl." She said

"Thank you." I said

She nodded and gave me my sonograms then took the gel off.

We then went home.

"Were having a baby shower tomorrow?" Justin asked

I nodded.

This is exciting for Justin and I. This is our first kid together and were having a baby girl.

"Mommy." Bentley said

"Yes baby." I said

"What's in your tummy?" He asked

"A baby girl." I said

"Yay. I'm gonna have a sister." He said

I smiled.

"What are we gonna name her?" Justin asked

"Amber?" I asked

"I like it." He said

I smiled.

"Middle name?" I asked

"Marie?" He asked

"Oh my gosh it's amazing." I said

"Thank you." He said

I nodded.

I looked in the back at Bentley.

"Soon you won't be sitting back there alone." I said

He smiled and put his arms out. I reached my hand back there and he held it.

"Your such a mommy's boy." Justin said

"I still love you daddy." He said

I smiled.

"After the baby and wedding I'm getting a job as a police officer." I said

"Really?" Justin asked

"Ya." I said

"Good job mommy." Bentley said

"Thank you sweetie." I said

"I'm proud of you hun." Justin said

"Thanks." I said

"So why can't you start now?" He asked

"Well I already have the job I can start tomorrow but I needed to let you guys know and see if your ready for me to be out of the apartment all day." I said

"Baby it's L.A. I'm sure were gonna be fine. Plus with you being a police officer I feel more safer to bring our kids out in public." He said

"Ok. I'll call my boss and tell him." I said

"Ok." Justin said

I got my phone and dialed the number.

'Hello?' He said

'Hi it's Winter.' I said

'Hello Winter.'

'Hi. That job of mine.'


'I can start tomorrow if you want.'

'That would be amazing.'

'Ok I'll see you tomorrow?'

'Yes 6 in the morning.'

'Ok bye.'


I hung up the phone.

"I am starting tomorrow at 6 in the morning." I said

"Yay." Bentley said

I smiled.

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