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I opened the door and he was there. Leaning on my door, trying so hard to look sober.

He took a step in to my flat and immediately lost his balance, stumbled by his own feet looking drunk as per usual.

He fell toward me but I swiftly moved to the other side, and as a result my wooden floor were the one who embraced him.

A loud thud was heard.
Probably could wake up Mrs. Hannigan who lived downstairs.

"Ouch", he said after a few seconds, maybe because how high he was or maybe the pain crept slowly.

I didn't bother to move him from where he fell, nor did I bother to help him stood up just to let him sat on my couch.

"Well, this is not a good warm greeting I expect from the host", he rubbed his nose still laying on the floor, not moving an inch from where he fell.

"Its 3 am, you're interupting my sleep", I rubbed my temple as I gently kicked his feet to move from the door so I could close it.

"As if you ever sleep", he chuckled almost sounded like he was mocking me.

I usually argue with him, but its 3 am and there's no use arguing with a man like him. And so, I took a deep breathe and started to count to ten








"Still counting to 10 to calm yourself?", now I was so sure that he was mocking me.

"Why do you care?", I cleared my throat and let my hand go from the door handle.

"Of course I care for you, Els", he tried to got up from the floor but he was having a hard time doing it.

"Said the drunk man", I walked passed him as if he was a giant carpet laying on the floor and threw myself to my couch.

He eyed me while still laying on the floor, "What?", I finally said.

"Nothing, just casually laying on the ground mesmerizing your ceiling", Jack replied sarcastically.

Of course he was hoping for me to help him.

"Sure Jack, sureㅡ make yourself at home", I scoffed, "Imma go back to sleep", I fake a yawned and curled my body and pulled my hand-knitted wool blanket.

He only sighed.

He didn't argue.
He didn't complain for letting him laying on the floor and not be bothered to take him to the sofa.

The room suddenly filled with silence, and not that kind of silence that makes you feel peace and serenity, but that kind of silence that brings thoughts and anxiety, and it started to suffocate me.

I waited for another minutes but he didn't spoke, not a word or a sigh which started to worry me.

"Jack?", I whispered but no answer.

Maybe he didn't hear

"Jack", I called his name but still there's no respond, I only could hear the clock ticking showing its already 3.10 am.

"Jack", I slowly shifted my body up from where I laid as I saw his body still laying on the same spot; unmoving.

His chest didn't seem to move up and down, he just laid still.

The 3 AM Bell (Jelsa)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat