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Press that sexy orange star! ;-)
Warning: This is a boyxboy story. It contains intimate relations between two males If you don't like that sort of thing you can just kindly refrain from reading. No nasty comments. I'll block your discriminating ass.

Kyle's POV

'Now that's one sexy piece of ass.' I said in my totally gay diva voice inside my crazy head. In case you were wondering. Yes! I'm a gay guy, and like in most cliche high school stories on the internet I'm unnoticed by the one person that I have the most insane crush on since middle school. Only he won't ever notice me, or fall in love with me and have many little babies in the future while we hump like rabbits in our cute little cottage in the woods.

This is not a fairy tale, its real life. And I accept that fact. Oh well, at least I can fanaticize about his yumminess.

Antonio D'Caprio. Hmmm, such an exotic name, sensual and sexy. Its differs from mine, just plain and boring Kyle Campbell. he just looked so edible today. In his signature white T-shirt and black leather jacket. His tight, dark skinny jeans hugged his delectable ass perfectly.

Makes me just want to eat him. Yum, I briefly wondered how he would taste, blushing at the thought. I gathered my books from my locker, for my next class, Biology. The simple task took a little longer than usual . of course I was a bit distracted staring at him discretely a few lockers down.

He then did something that seriously shocked me. He turned around with a wicked grin on his gorgeous face and he winked at me. I immediately started to feel my face heat up, turning a deep shade of red.

I quickly slammed my locker shut and disappeared to the nearest bathroom. I set my heavy books down on the sink counter and observed my embarrassing reflection in the mirror.

'Oh my sweet banana bread!,' I look like a ripe tomato!

But hot damn!

He winked at me!, I thought.

He caught me eye-raping him and winked at me!

I turned on the faucet and splashed some cold water on my face, trying to get rid of my still prominent blush. Taking tissue of the roll on the wall, I wiped my face and hands then picked up my books as the bell rang for assembly.

Sigh. Maybe it was just my imagination. Antonio couldn't be gay! Wait, Kyle just because he winked at you does not mean he automatically prefers the opposite s--. Ufff! Because of being absorbed in my thoughts I had walked into a very hard person and fell on my butt.

Awww! My poor sexy behind.

"Sorry," I said, attempting to pick up my books and not looking up due to embarrassment. I guess my mind debate about 'you know who' distracted me enough that I didn't pay attention to where I was going.

"Its okay actually, need any help?" No freaking way. I'd recognize that amazing voice anywhere. Realizing it was him I replied nervously.

"No, it's okay I-I-I t-think I've got it."

"Well, I want to help," he stated cheerily.

Antonio knelt down, and before I know it I looked up and he was face to face with me.

He had a sly grin on his face. I was little, correction, I mean lot nervous with our close proximity. He glanced down at my lips, biting down on his own. He then stood up quickly, holding out his hand to assist me up.

Dazed, but confused at his weird behavior, I reluctantly placed my small well, tiny hands into his large, rough ones. Antonio then pulled up my small figure and I connected with his rock hard chest.

He stood at least six inches over me. I was a measly five feet seven inches. His mesmorising eyes were a different type of greenish looking hazel and they stared down right into my boring brown ones. His eyes held a look I couldn't decipher, confused. I tried to move away to pick up my things now neatly stacked on the floor.

"S-sorry, I-I didn't mean to do that," I said still trying to get out of his grip, bit he held me tighter.

"Can you umm, l-let go?," I asked trying not to be rude.

"How about no?" He asked cockily in that sexy Brazilian accent of his. And damn if that didn't turn me on right there.

The tension in the air between us was thick. He used his thumb under my chin to guide my eyes back to his. He tilted his head sideways and captured my lips with his.

I was too shocked to respond, I felt weak in the knees, my ears ringing, my body tingled and my skin grew hot, my arousal becoming known. As he continued to have his way with my lips, I gained the courage to respond back.

His lips felt so good against mine, moving in sync, he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I granted, losing my mind to the world around me.

Our tongues continued to move together slowly savoring the moment. As he pinned my against the wall, not breaking the kiss, bit devouring my lips we fought for dominance, which I ended up losing.

His hands were exploring my upper body. Then he went lower. Squeezing my butt, and pulling me closer than I even thought possible. He nipped at my now swollen lips, both of us gasping for air. I felt something hard poking into my stomach.

Hmm... This just made little me even more excited as he hoisted up my lep around his hips. Grinding unto me, my back against the wall.

'Brrrrrinng!,' the bell went, signalling the end of assembly. Shit. I just realized that, I've been making out. With Antonio D'Caprio, In the hallway. I panicked, forced his grip off me, picked up my books, and walked quickly, almost ran away from my crush before any one could see us together.

AN: Hope you enjoyed my short oneshot, its my first book on Wattpad, so please read, comment and vote. I need all the support I can get. Don't be afraid to correct me.

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