Chapter 9 S2: Gone Mad

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Vigil looked out of the window to see the sun rising. He went to the hotel main lobby to grab a drink from their food station for some coffee. He got back to the room and just watched some TV. Dokkaebi woke up and silently got ready for the day.

Dokkaebi: "What's the plan?"

Vigil: "I'm not sure actually."

Dokkaebi: "Let's head back to base then."

Vigil: "The only problem here is that I dont want to."

Dokkaebi: "I'm not wasting time Chul, let's go back please."

Vigil: "Alright then."

They packed their stuff and headed back to base.

Vigil: "I think you have gone a little mad."

Dokkaebi: Punches Vigil "I'm not!"

Vigil: "Watch it, I'm driving here."

They drove all the way back to base. They got back around late afternoon. They got back the room and started unpacking.

Vigil: "Let's have some lunch with the others."

Dokkaebi: "Sure thing."

They left their room and greeted the operators. Nokk, Caviera, Capitao, Valkyrie, and the new operators Amaru and Goyo.

Dokkaebi: "Looks like a little party here."

Valkyrie: "Looks like the two are back. Things changed a bit here." Looks at Caviera

Dokkaebi: "Tell me everything." Chuckles

Vigil: Shakes hands with Goyo "Nice to meet you. Hows home so far?"

Goyo: "Right here? Seems strange and difficult to get used to. I will be fine, but I need some action soon."

Capitao: "Came here for just a drink" Laughs

Vigil: "Been awhile Capitao."

They group all had a nice lunch before going their separate ways. Dokkaebi and Vigil went to their rooms and both took a shower. After some time in their room resting, a knock came from the door. Dokkaebi got up before Vigil did and opened the door.

Dokkaebi: "Hello?"

Ash: "Hello Grace. Theres a briefing in with Harry. He told me to call you, Vigil, Smoke, and Sledge."

Vigil got up quickly and followed behind to Harry's office.

Harry: "I this time only called five instead the whole team" Chuckles

Sledge: "As you were saying?"

Harry: "Ok, this should be a simple mission. There's a hostage located in a house and you need to clear it out. That's all you do. Lastly, defend the hostage and dont go anywhere. I will send help as I found documents of their plans. You five are dismissed."

Vigil: "I think I should've corrected him because all missions aren't simple."

Dokkaebi: "Soften up and understand him Chul, he meant that it's not expected to be difficult."

Vigil: "Whatever you say. I just don't have a good feeling about this."

Dokkaebi: "Calm down, we will be fine. What has gotten into you?"

Vigil: "Just had some rough nights."

Dokkaebi: "Well, get some rest when you have the chance then after."

Dokkaebi gave Vigil a kiss on the cheek. Vigil lightened up. It was true that there were some nights a while ago, but now he had the motivation to do their mission. They headed for the house as soon as possible.


Sledge planned out what the team should do. They planned to go from top to bottom since Ash scouted the whole home. The white mask's defense system seemed counterable by doing this strategy. Smoke first was ordered to clear out the top and managed to make the top floor clear. Next, Dokkaebi called to make sure the second floor was clear.

Obviously, it wasn't so they sent Vigil to clear it out while covering him. Lastly, Ash went downstairs and quickly rushed to clear the basement floor. While everyone gave Ash supporting fire, she secured the hostage and took him to cover. Vigil heard a hiss, and it felt like a shock of electricity. He immediately looked behind him and there was a bomber.

He threw an impact grenade at him, managing to kill him. He felt a little poke.

Dokkaebi: "You ok Vigil?"

Vigil: "Shrapnel got in my armor carrier,  I'm good." Pulls out shrapnel with tools

The team started to reinforce the room until help arrived. Dokkaebi called as soon Ash secured the hostage.

Harry: "I have sent help. Stay there."

Hordes of white masks came in their secured room, but they resisted with their shots coming back at them. After a long time, a white mask was coming up to Vigil aiming. Vigil turned around and shook. Before the white mask can fire, someone shot him and the white mask terrorist fell. It was Amaru.

Amaru: "A pretty small place for such a fun mission. But sadly it isn't, and you guys seem boring c'mon. Me and Goto secured this place."

The team of 7 left the building with the hostage secured with the police soon after. The team went back to Hereford base after a mission that lasted the whole day. It felt like it had been days though.

Dokkaebi: "See? It was a simple mission Chul."

Vigil: "Almost got wounded Grace. That's not good."

Dokkaebi: "At least you aren't wounded. Which I would rather prefer, because I dont want to see those guts."

Vigil: "Very funny."

The two went to their rooms for a quick clean-up before heading back to talk to Harry for a whole team briefing. When they got to the room, only a few team members were there.

Vigil: "Thought you called the whole team?"

Harry: "The time I called them to arrive has passed. What's the hold up?"

Then, the team started rushing in one by one. Harry was surprised but then got himself ready for another brief talk.

Harry,: "I want you guys here because i wanted just to talk real quick. Seems weird if you all like your job right now. At the moment, we all have been put of the grid."

Goyo: "What are you saying here?"

Harry: "You guys are on leave for a little while."

Amaru: "Me and Goyo have been here for a month and you're telling us this? Bullshit!"

Harry: "Calm down! It's for little while. You still will of course get everything else but being an operator. Get some rest if you need to. I will call the whole team back once I'm back too."

Note: Sorry for such a delay. School has slowed down the chapters dramatically. Hope you also know the last chapter for Season 2 is the next one, so let's wrap it up shall we?

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