Chapter 16: Through the Blood

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The sounds of war have sunken into Vigil's head. It wasn't PTSD, as he has been through worse and he felt fine. He lose many people already so he felt not traumatized. Sledge sat down with the squad.

Sledge: "My squad's here, which is Mute, Valkyrie, Echo, and Maestro."

Blitz: "Thought Maestro was retiring."

Sledge: "Seriously Blitz, he still has some power left..."

Blitz: "Just saying."

Doc: "So this bunker is our defense position for a couple days before we can get more help?"

Sledge: "You're right. So far we havent gotten in too much trou-"

Maestro: "Sledge! We need to defend now! They are attacking! Look ahead man!"

Sledge: "Got it. You all need to fight them off now!"

Everyone primed their guns and waited. Then they heard tanks and armored vehicles. They heard soldiers take quiet steps. Then they opened fire at the soldiers not in the bunkers.

Sledge: "Get them!"

Vigil shot his K1A and saw an enemy shake and fall. It felt weird to kill someone but it felt great killing an enemy. He then suppressed fire as they kept coming. Then he heard a prime sound at the door. The door then exploded and North Korean soldiers came in.

Sledge: "Shit! Shoot them!"

Vigil was so close to the door he was shook. He was stunned. He tried to gain back some consciousness and saw a gun stock end trying to swing at him. He fell backwards and rolled back up. At this point, he was back to normal and saw the Korean soldier.

He was aiming his gun until Blitz hit him with his shield and was knocked out dead.

Blitz: "Never usually go near an entrance. If you go through it, probably them too."

Vigil: Picks up gun "I know. Just the blast got me."

As more soldiers came in, Vigil took them out by hand to hand combat, knocking them out. Shooting in a bunker can lead to louder gunshots, stunning yourself and others. Vigil already had taken down two soldiers until a C4 was thrown in the bunker.

Vigil: "Look out!"

Vigil kicked to C4 back out of the bunker. It caught other Korean soldiers off guard, but he then fell back down. He felt something warm and lack of feeling his right leg.

Doc: Runs to Vigil "You didn't lose your leg, but you lost some skin. A good patch will do. Let me slow you down, I got you..." Stims Vigil

Vigil looked around as everything got dark. He tried to stay awake but passed out.


It has been a couple days since Vigil left. Olivia had been not leaving her room, as Dokkaebi even tried to make her leave the room. Dokkaebi gave up and tried to not make the situation worse.


Olivia: Crying to herself looking at their family picture "I miss... you dad... Please come home safe. Dont die" sniffing and then falling asleep again


Vigil slowly woke up. He felt well rested and felt his legs again. He got up and saw Doc doing some media procedures.

Doc: "I see you are awake. We still haven't secured their territory if you were about to ask. You have been out for almost two days."

Vigil: "Am I all good now?"

Doc: "Yeah, you should be fine now. Your belongings are next to you. You can get back out there once you're ready."

Vigil grabbed his gun and equipment and walked out of the medical room. He also put on his mask. He looked around and quickly saw IQ, Rook, Blitz, and Jager.

Blitz: "Look, the man sleeping beauty has awoken. Welcome back."

Vigil: Chuckles "So hows it going so far?"

IQ: "Yesterday, our Koreans sent tanks and vehicles to support the push. We had to take out the artillery and anti tank weapons. We managed to destroy it all but had to fall back as we didnt get through the North Korean soldiers."

Vigil: "What do you mean? You only went through a layer but not all of it? Damn they are tough."

IQ: "Vigil, we have low reinforcements. We have to hold for a little longer also. They said they will arrive tommrow, and tommrow will be the day of us taking their base."

Then, a soldier cheered. Apparently, all the soldiers that were needed to support the frontlines have arrived due to no delays. Everyone got their equipment and left one by one.

Soldier: "Hey Team Rainbow! Let's make this our last battle! Come!"

Rook: In Radio "All of Team Rainbow please report outside for another battle."

Then, all of Team Rainbow arrived and walked out of the bunker. Tanks, armored vehicles protected the soldiers as they walked. It was quiet, too quiet as the vehicles went on. Then, a loud artillery struck a tank and blew up.

Soldier: "Everyone get behind something! Get going too!"

Gunfire started happening and all hell broke loose. Vigil saw the soldiers one by one falling and beside him. The team split to make sure they dont get hurt all at once. Vigil tried his best to shoot the trenches and defenses the North Koreans fortified but kept getting hailed with bullets. He got behind the tank and tried to follow behind as shots and explosions went off.

As he walked over through the blood of his fellow Korean soldiers, he saw the scenes of war. That didnt stop him though, he felt patriotic and started to  Rambo the North Koreans. One by one, they dropped as Vigil fired his K1A and reloaded. The tanks were able to get to their defenses and everyone ran in. Vigil went in the bunker with their squad regrouped.

He then felt a slash on his arm. It was a Korean.

North Korean: "Fucking bitch."

Vigil: "I'm going to beat your ass."

Vigil shot the soldier. The soldier tried to get up but Vigil knocked him out with his stock. He then saw more enemy soldiers coming in and started shooting with his squad. They were surrounded as they jumped in the middle of the base. As Vigil fired, they fell and he walked through their blood and cleared out the other parts of their base.

He then encountered a room and cleared it out. Then an enemy soldier suprised him and held him on a choke hold. Vigil elbowed his chest and pulled his arm over him and threw him to the ground. He then shot the Korean and tried to clear other rooms. After that, the squad regrouped.

IQ: "I think we took over their first base."

Not a Peep (R6 Siege)/Vigil x DokkaebiWhere stories live. Discover now