Chapter 5: The Difference between Hot and Cold, and You and I.

Start from the beginning

Startled and shocked, Atsushi didn't stop Akutagawa from standing up, very shaky might I add, rushing to the bathroom, slamming the door, and leaving Atsushi there. If Akutagawa can only sleep in the massive bathroom, he could've, since it was one of the warmest places in the penthouse, and even with a heater, so it's a win-win. But unfortunately, he couldn't sleep there even if he tried. It was too weird and uncomfortable

The raven leans by the door, and to Atsushi's surprise as he hears everything with his weretiger senses, starts sobbing uncontrollably, but Atsushi can tell Akutagawa is covering his mouth with his hands as the sobs were muffled and low.   Atsushi can't figure out what he did wrong, or if was he even in the wrong in this situation; He gave the raven at least 20 minutes to cool down, then stood up and headed for the bathroom door.
Atsushi leans down and tries to open it but is locked, so he whispers;
"Akutagawa.. Hey.. I-I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong. I don't even know just what I did wrong.. But it looks like I did something to you, and I regret whatever it is.."

A deafening silence surrounds the night breeze.

At this point, Atsushi was about to retreat because he feels like Akutagawa needs privacy for himself until he heard a faint whisper from across the other side of the door.

"You were helping me, that's what you did wrong."

Before the man-tiger could protest and ask the raven continued.

"You treated me like I was a peasant. You felt pity for me just because of my flaw and made me look so desperate for your help.. You treated me like I can't do anything right or wrong; Like I can't do anything at all."
"That's what you did wrong, Atsushi."

The man-tiger was in shock and he felt his stomach crumbling and his heart going down to the heels of his feet and he didn't know why.
Or, he didn't choose to believe why.

Atlas, the weretiger spoke;
"Akutagawa, please come out.. So that I can.. Say sorry to you properly and.. Solemnly.."

A click and a twist in the doorknob and they're now facing each other, face-to-face, Atsushi could cry at any moment because of how messed up and vulnerable Akutagawa looks right now.

"Alright then.. Apologize."

"I'm really sorry for treating you that way, I'm very sure you are more than I will ever be, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke!" As Atsushi did a very exaggerated 'dogeza'.

Silence. Shit will Akutagawa not accept it and kill him right then and there using Rashoumon..

"I forgive you, ji— ...Nakajima Atsushi."

Well that sounded not like Akutagawa..


Oh hey, there he is.

"Do you... Kinda.. Still want those noodles?.."
"..I kinda do."


The two spend a little chat and enjoy warmth; Atsushi also found tea pockets in one of the drawers so they had that too.
They wouldn't say it out loud cause that'll lead to awkward tension, but this could be the start of something new, where it feels just too right when they're here with each other. And now, they are positive, that something has changed between them that they never felt, right here tonight.

Oh, and they 'accidentally' fell asleep cuddled together.. How? It was an accident.


While all of those were happening, none of the cuddled duo noticed the security cameras over the edges of each room except the bathroom. That means..

"Took them long enough! The next step is to just stop not believing in their feelings for each other and confess already!"
"Chuuya-kun, your Nakajima and Akutagawa are the same pining love struck idiots we have back at ours."

"Chibi's so mean! As if he wasn't like that before, I still remember those times when Ane-san came to me for help, in confessing you to me. You took waaaaaay longer than them~"
"Chuuko's acting all high and mighty, but she was more of a pining love struck hatrack back then~"

"O-Oi! We were so not, you stinky bandage-wasting devices!"

"Mmh~ But we're your stinky bandage-wasting devices~"

The gingers could only furiously blush and hide themselves from humanity as they tuck themselves for bed.
Needless to say, the brunettes cuddled up to the angry redheads, to once again drift off to slumber, this time knowing no one of the two outside would scream at each other and wake them up..

Did I say mutual pining? I meant cuddles and friendships! Your welcome ;)
Anyways, next chapter is the Amusement Park shenanigans.
Now you tell me.. Would they find out about the genderbents? That's the plan, Sherlocks.
Or you know.. Would they just care about each other and use this occasion as a friendly date?
Highly specific? How about both!
I hope you continue reading! Thank you so much!

P.S. If you get the reference at the paragraph after the first [], extra cuddles for you!~

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