Chapter 10

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I slowly reach my hand up, and to my relief he leans down and let's me pat him. But too my utter confusion he lays down and motions his head to his back, my eyes widen in realization, "you want me to ride you" I ask in disbelief, he nods his head slightly so slowly and hesitantly I climb up the side of his body and sit at the base of his neck, I pat him lightly to tell him I'm ok. Slowly he stands back up just as we here a roar come from the direction of the I-rex, I lean over to look Drake in the eye "follow that roar" within a blink of an eye Drake was speedily heading towards the commotion, as we turned the corner Drake smashes into the skeleton of a past T-rex making bones fly in all directions. I pull my gun of my back and aim at the Indominus as Drake let's out a loud roar, out of the corner of my eye I see Owen and the others huddled in a shop close to the two Rex's "run!" I scream, they look at me wide eyed but take off running as the two Rex's charge at eachother me shooting at the Indominus of the back of Drake. This will be one to tell the future kids.

Drake chomps down onto the Idominuses neck but it reacts by using its claws to scratch at Drake one of those claws swipe at me sending me flying into a near by building, making everything go black.

I wake up just in time to see the Mosasaurus jump out of the the pool and clamp its teeth around the Indominuses neck dragging it into the dark water. Drake nodded at Blue who I just realized was also there before walking of, Blue ran over to where I was and nudged the side of my head with her nose before licking my cheek, I let out a small laugh "hey, baby girl. You did good" she purrs as I rub under her chin.
"Leah!" I hear people shouting my name but I feel really dizzy and the pain in my side is growing, I feel someone put my head in their lap and i look up to see Owen, i smile lightly but it quickly falls due to the pain. Blue sniffs my side before tearing my jacket with her teeth, i hear multiple gasps, but it's all muffled as I put my attention on Blue who's laid her head on me chest and is whimpering, "shhhh, it's ok baby girl. It'll be ok" and that was the last thing I remember before complete darkness.

Peeling my eyes open I look around me to see I'm laying in a bed surrounded by Claire, Zach, Gray and Owen sitting on chairs, since Owen's holding my I give it a light squeeze making him bolt up. Jesus christ he could give jack in the box a run for its money, "Leah. Holy shit, your awake!"
His shouting alerted the others of me being awake and they hurried over to check on me. After going through multiple 'are you okays' and 'why didnt you tell us' Zach and Grays parents arrived and they left, Claire went to go help other people leaving me with Owen, I turn my head to look at him, to see hes looking of into space. "So what do we do now" I ask quietly snapping him out of his daze, he looks at me for a minute before a smirk forms on his lips, "probably stick together, you know for survival" a small chuckle leaves my lips as I stare at Owen

"For survival"

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