I Dreamed a Dream~Gregory of Yardale

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"Are you sure you'll be alright? I mean, this is war, you could get seriously hurt!" (Y/N) exclaimed, staring at her boyfriend with nervousness in her eyes. Gregory looked at (Y/N) with a serious face and planted a kiss on her lips.

"Don't worry my darling, I will be back as soon as possible with no scratch." Gregory stated proudly before letting out a yelp when (Y/N) developed him in a tight hug. After a few more seconds, she let go, smiling as Gregory gave her one last smile and left, ready to get this war over with.

"I hope so Gregory...."

"Who knew I could have been so wrong..." There laid Gregory, gripping his arm in pain as he watched the guards walk away from his cell. It's been a couple of days since he's been captured, and everyday he was tortured. Today, someone was able to slice him a whole bunch.

He looked out from his window and up at the starry sky for a bit, before he felt something start dripping down his face. Tears.

He shook a bit, trying to breath right, but before that could even start to work, sobs racked from his body. He put his hand over his mouth to stop them, not wanting to seem weak, but he couldn't help it. He couldn't do anything but sit here, and possibly watch his side burn down in flames.

And he knew there was no way out. While being attacked, he heard whispers, gossip saying he'll be executed in the next few hours, and right then, he knew his fate was sealed.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)...I failed you..." Gregory whispered to himself, trying to calm down. He sat still for a few seconds, before he took a deep breath.

"There was a time when men were kind, when their voices were soft, and their words inviting...There was a time when love was blind, and the world was a song, and the song was exciting..." Gregory said to himself, looking back up at the sky. "There was a time...Then it all went wrong..." Gregory sang, looking down at his badly injured arm. He took a shaky breath, before smiling, remembering his dear beloved. This was all he could think of.

"I dreamed a dream in times gone by when hope was high and life worth living...I dreamed, that love would never die...I dreamed that God would be forgiving."

Gregory stood next to Christophe, bored out of his mind. His English teacher was moving students around, cause supposedly there was a new student arriving. All he could do is read the book in his hand, ignoring all the chaos around him. This kept going for a while, but his precious time to himself was cut short when Christophe pulled him over to their seats, and sat him down. Gregory huffed and continued reading, but couldn't help not ignore the door opening. He looked up once his teacher exclaimed something, and immediately felt like he was suffocating.

There stood the most beautiful girl he ever saw. She wore a black dress with a white belt, and black boots. Her hat shadowed her eyes, but when she lifted her head, she showed glorious (E/C) eyes, that seemed to glistened in the light. Her (H/C) hair seemed to be in a bun(Unless it's too short, then it's down) Gregory shut out all the voices as he paid attention to the girl who was now sitting behind him. Gregory couldn't pay attention all of class, he wanted to so badly look behind and greet himself, but he didn't want to look like a creep.

Near the end, he was getting ready to start packing up, but stopped when he noticed the paper ball thrown on to his desk. He opened it and was quickly struck lovesick.

'I'm (Y/N)! Noticed you seemed tense, was wondering if you were alright?'

"Then I was young and unafraid...And dreams were made and used and wasted, there was no ransom to be paid...No song unsung, no wine untasted..."

Gregory smiled, watching as his friends talked, seeming to get along. They were so alike, he wouldn't have been surprised if they were secretly related.

"So Gregory, I'm guessing you came here from England?" (Y/N) joked, looked over at the blonde, who went wide eyed in shock. Sure, he's heard her voice plenty of times, but just hearing it be so happy makes his heart flutter. All he could do is nod as he tried to not look weird. (Y/N) chuckled a bit, suddenly liking this boy all of a sudden.

She never truly realized, at least, not yet, that she has fallen for the amazing Gregory.

They soon blossomed into a beautiful relationship, and it seemed like it would never wilt away.

"But the tigers come at night...With their voices soft as thunder...As they tear your hope apart...As they turn your dream to shame!"

Gregory remembered that one night, when they were all alone, and telling each other secrets, He remembered how scared she was to lose someone else she loved. He never knew she felt that way, but he promised to always be by her side. He remembered how bright her smile was after that, the tears were not going to let his little darling down.

But now, all he could do is mutter words of apology for not keeping his dear promise, even though he was alone. If only his beloved could hear him right now.

"She slept a summer by my side, she filled my days with endless wonder...She took my childhood in my stride! But I was gone when autumn came..." Gregory stood up and walked slowly over to the window, continuing to stare at the stars. He reached out, wanting so badly to catch one.

"And still I dream she'll come to me! That we will live the years together..." Gregory smiled warmly, before remembering the fact that he would be killed in a couple hours, and slammed his fists on the wall in anger, tears non-stop streaming down his face.
"But there are dreams that cannot be! And there are storms we cannot weather!" Gregory took in a shaky gasp, feeling the need to breath or else he'd suffocate once more. This wasn't the feeling of happiness though, no, no. Depression. "I had a dream my life would be...So different from this hell I'm living! So different now from what it seemed-" Gregory sang, but stopped, wishing that his life wasn't over, for him to see his beloved again. But he knew it wasn't going to happen. He sat back down, and just seemed to be in a state of shock, not moving at all.

"Now life has killed the dream..." Gregory sang, almost in like a whisper. He took one more shaky breath, getting prepared for what's to come.

"I dreamed..."

Glass shattered onto the ground as (Y/N) stood there in a state of shock, feeling dread rush over her. Her friend had just read the news, and she couldn't help but let out a chocked sob when one familiar name popped up. She felt cold, alone, and she knew that's what she'll feel like until the day she dies...


I'm just coming out with the angst for the first chapter, haha! Hope you enjoyed this, cause this one was really fun to do! See you guys next time, peace!

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