Act 3:Problems

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                   This story will be told in four Acts

Acts 1-3 are going on at the same time but as you know I can't describe people at a different places at the same time.  Act four is the only exception.

Stan and Kyle arrived Cartman's house after Kenny and Craig left

Kyle's POV

I knock on the door of cartmans house. I hear a faint "minute please!" Coming from inside the house. "Do you know why we're here?" He asks. I shake my head.  "No but I wish we would have been informed a little earlier. I was baby sitting ike." I say. "Dude he's 18 why are you baby sitting him?" Stan says smiling.

"Shut up! He broke his leg." I say holding my smile back. "Aww Kyle is a good big brother." Stan teases. My face brakes into a smile. I hold my forehead while shaking my head. "Is good brother Kyle embarrassed!" Stan says. I lightly punch him in the shoulder. "Shut up dude." I laugh. 

Suddenly the door opens and our smiles and giggling instantly stops. Cartman was hold a guy with a broken arm and leg. Bloody nose and I'm pretty sure has miss his two front teeth. 

"Shit dude." I think a loud. Cartman throws him in the snow face first. "Well what do you expect? For him to be covered in rainbows and glitter?" Cartmans says flatly. 

We walk in and walk towards the basement. We walk down the old steps. I look around the place. It's been a few years since we been here. It still has a coon and friends poster. "Lock the door" Cartman says. Stan walks upstairs and locks all three locks on the door. 

"Why are we down here? Also turn on a light I can't see a damn thing." I say confused. Suddenly the lights turn on and the wall was covered in news paper red string and pictures. 

"What is all this...?" Stans says astonished. Cartman faces me and Stan. "I have reason to suspect South Park is being used for something for Damian." Cartman says dead faced. My face goes pale as I looked at the wall in front of me. 

It was a map of South Park and a red string traed it in a shape of a star. 

Stan's POV 

"What do you mean South Park is being used for Damien!?" I say my face going red with anger. "Hasn't he torchered us enough!" I scream. I hear a foot step. 

I look over to see Kyle pale faced slowly walking towards the wall. He traced the red string on the map over and over until grab his shoulder. He jumps. 

I look over at Cartman. "Anything else we need to know?" I say gripping Kyle's shoulder. "Yes I will explain later for know I need to call tweek." He says shaking. He trys to hide his shaking as he pulls out his phone. 

All of the sudden I feel a arm on my shoulder. Kyle pulled us all in a hug. Me and Cartman hug back. We're all fucking scared. 

Word count: 520 

Dude, The World Is Ending!: South Park MafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora