"Yes please."

Eddy pulls out a chair and sits himself down, crossing his arms over the table and letting his head rest on them. He quietly watches Brett pour a fresh brew into two porcelain cups before adding cream and two packets of sugar in one of them, just the way he knows Eddy likes it. Sweet.

"Thanks," Eddy was in the middle of saying, right as Brett passes the cup to him. The moment their fingers brush against each other, Brett jerks, spilling some of the coffee on him. "Ack!"

"Shit, sorry." Brett averts his eyes a bit too quickly, grabbing a towel from the counter and handing it to Eddy. "You okay?"

Eddy reaches for the towel and, after a split-second thought, he makes an executive decision and grabs at Brett's wrist instead. Predictably, Brett flinches at the touch and Eddy sighs, pulling away. "You're being too obvious," Eddy says pointedly, giving Brett a sideways glance as he sets his coffee on the table.

To his amusement, Brett looks partially offended. "You're more calm than I expected."

Eddy scoffs. "Of course I am. I am a man of many talents! Perfect pitch isn't the only thing I got going for me, you know."

Brett huffs, but Eddy can tell he's fond. "Uh huh. So impressive. Maybe you should try out for America's Got Talent."

"I rather you just spill the rest of the coffee on me."

Most of the tension slowly unwinds, evident in the way the creases in Brett's brow goes away and Eddy can feel his own anxiety ease off from it. Brett visibly relaxes, but there's something hesitant in his eyes and Eddy knows it's a little more serious now.

"That time...back then. I'm not...I wasn't -"

"Yeah, I know." Eddy interjects, although he's not entirely sure what he knows. All he's certain of is that last night, whatever that was, wasn't supposed to happen. The regret was clear on Brett's face. "I don't think we have to make a big deal out of something that doesn't matter."

There's a brief moment of something unreadable in the other's eyes and, "Oh." Brett says mildly. "That's...good then."

"Right," Eddy says, ignoring the quiet ache that's settling in his chest. He doesn't want Brett to beat himself up over it any longer than he has to, so this is the best way he thinks he can handle it. Show Brett that he's cool with it. That nothing's changed. Nothing has to change.

Keeping the status quo.

"Well," Eddy quips brightly, tapping a finger on the side of his cup. "Since half my coffee spilled due to terrible poor service, can I get a refill?

Brett clicks his tongue, but he grabs Eddy's cup anyways. "Yeah yeah, so demanding."

"I don't pay you to stand around and chit chat, peasant!"

"Pay me, my ass. This is a shitty job. I'm quitting. You can get your own damn fix."

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding~! I'd really like some coffee pleaseeee. Pretty please? With boba on top? Bro, you're not gonna refuse my cute puppy eyes, are you?"

Brett rolls his eyes, but Eddy doesn't miss the way Brett's mouth curls up at that. "Hey!" Eddy yelps as Brett reaches out and ruffles his hair, shoddily messing it up in all directions. If Eddy was to look in a mirror, he'd probably look like a frazzled squirrel right now.

"Uh huh. Real cute," Brett says as he pulls away, a small smirk teasing at the corner of his lips. The bastard. Eddy shoos Brett away to get his coffee, fighting down the warm blush on his cheeks. Whatever game they're playing now, Eddy's pretty sure he lost this round.


The complimentary coffee that the hotel provided was meh, if Eddy had to rate it. Nothing remotely fancy, but it gets the job done so he can't really complain about it. Eddy spends the rest of the morning sipping on it mindfully, keeping his eyes glued to his phone as he checks his instagram and twitter, scrolling through new posts from his friends and family, most of which were about the wedding. Brett's on the other side of the living room, packing his stuff in his suitcase and getting ready to head back home. Their small mini vacation, if one could call it that, already over.

By the time they leave, Eddy wonders if he'll be able to leave all these moments behind him. His jealousy. His neediness. Maybe he can abandon his feelings here too, while he's at it. It's starting to really wear him out now and there's really no benefit in keeping it around.

"Eddy. Ready to go?"

"Yeah, wait for me!"


But hey, spoiler alert: he just keeps on falling harder.

the rhythm our heart plays {breddy; twosetviolin fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now