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It starts with a simple shoulder pat.

It's a common thing done between people as either friendly support or a sympathetic gesture of comfort and the like. Nothing to write home about, so Eddy brushes it off as nothing important. He doesn't think too much of it when Brett lets his hand rest on Eddy's shoulder a little too long, or if those shoulder pats becomes more of a shoulder rest when Brett needs something to use as support, particularly if they've been walking for hours or if he's just tired from standing so long and there's no walls or chairs around to sit in. Eddy keeps it cool when Brett absentmindedly caresses his thumb along Eddy's nape while he's talking to someone else. Or at least, Eddy tries to because it's easy to duck out of Brett's hand and utter a strained, "bro" as Brett shrugs and says "my bad" as if he doesn't realize the effect he has on Eddy's mental state of mind.

It's cool. It's chill. Eddy is way too old to be acting all antsy over some innocent skinship. Still, it's not like either of them were touchy-feely to begin with, so any sort of physical contact with Brett has Eddy more aware of it than he needs to be.

During a recording for their next video to put into the queue, Eddy subconsciously sits farther than he intends to and Brett frowns and scoots his chair closer. "You're going to get out of the shot. Come here." And it's hard to refuse that when Brett's got a valid point. "I'm not going to bite."

The image sinks into Eddy's mind more vividly than he would like it to. "Pshh, I'd like to see you try," Eddy says, because he really can't help himself.

"Chomp chomp," Brett makes big bites at the air like the dork he is and Eddy ignores how his heart skips at it.

"Okay Jaws, let's get back to business before you go full shark on me. Also, I'm keeping this part in the video. Our viewers will get a firsthand look on how wild you really are."

"A total beast," Brett says in deadpan. "Wait, you think we can use that as our next game? Charades, but for classic movie titles?"

And that's the other thing with the content they put out: it can be random, ridiculous, relatable, and absolutely meme-fiable. Eddy has fun making each of these videos with Brett and he doesn't think there was ever an outrageous idea he did turn down. They've twerked, roasted, and dabbed their way through more videos than he can count, cried over child prodigies that could shoot a man's self-esteem straight into the ground, and sometimes flex their own skills when they have to remind the internet that they are professionals who can decently play the violin every now and then.

"So for today's video, we're going to be playing an original challenge," Brett starts off, pointing towards his eyes. "It's gonna involve a lot of eye contact."

"A staring contest!" Eddy quips. "But with a twist. We're going to each be playing a piece picked from this little hat here and will be allowed to distract the other player using facial expressions only. Whoever messes up the piece or blinks first, loses. Simple as that."

Brett nods repeatedly and Eddy can already hear the whooshing effect their editor is going to put over it.

"Ugh...I have a feeling you have an advantage over me," Eddy says as he gets into a comfortable position, setting his violin on his shoulder while facing Brett. "You look like you haven't blinked in years."

Brett hums. "Better believe these eyebags aren't just for show."

Eddy laughs. The game is on.

For the first few seconds it was fine. They're playing Navarra Op. 33 and his eyes haven't started watering yet which is a good sign. Brett looks impassive as ever as they hold each other's gaze, but all of Eddy's steadfast composure starts crumbling the instant Brett raises a brow, a mischievous glint in his eyes that's definitely up to no good. Eddy, not one to be bested, starts wagging his brows in return, but was met with Brett flicking his tongue at him and Eddy promptly short-circuits.

Oh no. Oh nooooo.

Brett slowly licks over his lips and does obscene things that a tongue should not be doing in Eddy's central field of vision. Eddy shoves his vivid imagination to the deepest corner of his mind as he starts making kissy faces at his competition, but Brett's tongue is doing way too much and Eddy can't help but feel his cheeks flush, flustered beyond saving. His bow skids on the string and he folds in on himself, hiding his face in the crook of his arm. "This is so dumb," Eddy whines, but Brett is too busy holding up his violin in a victory pose to care.

The rest of the recording plays out fine after Eddy finds his composure and pointedly stares at Brett's forehead in an attempt to dodge any inappropriate tongue action from the older boy. Brett still ends up winning the whole thing because his koala eyes are born to win at staring contests, but Eddy's just glad that this game is done and over with. They wrap it up smoothly before planning the rest of their day out, which usually involves dining at their usual favourite spots or maybe a light jog around the city before meeting up with a friend or two in town. If he avoids making direct eye-contact at Brett for the rest of the day, Brett says nothing about it.

the rhythm our heart plays {breddy; twosetviolin fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now