The Runaway Bride (3)

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"Christmas trees,"

"What about them?"

"Excuse me?"

"They kill," Donna and Poppy share a look at The Doctor's words before the three of them start running around, urging people to get away from the trees.

"Oh, for God's sakes, the man's an idiot. Why? What harm's a Christmas tree going to?" Sylvia complains," Poppy shushes her friend's mother "Oh," the balls start circling the room gracefully, until one falls and explodes. Panic spreads as more start exploding, screams fill the room and Donna runs off, leaving Poppy to run over to the DJ set and hide. The Doctor joins her seconds later.

"Oi! Santa! Word of advice. If you're attacking a man with a sonic screwdriver, don't let him near the sound system," A loud piercing notice fills the room and the robots disable as everyone covers their ears and cringe at the noise. Everyone but The Doctor and Poppy. She covered her ears in case. But it wasn't nearly as load and bad as everyone else was hearing it.

Once the robots are no longer dangerous, everyone exits their hiding places. Apart from Poppy who stays there to catch her breath. As much as she loved the adrenaline pumping through her. She did have a part of her that was terrified. When she finally comes out from under it, Donna and The Doctor are gone.

"Poppy, who is he? Who is that man?"

"I can't explain Sylvia!" She shouts before draping her jacket over one of the children and running outside "where are they?" she questions out loud. The ambulances had arrived.

"They went off in Lance's car," one of the guests informed her.

"Thanks!" She ran down an alleyway to find the TARDIS.


"Thank god," Poppy sigs in relief when the door opens with ease. She could have sworn she saw the Doctor lock it. "They'll come back here eventually," The TARDIS hummed and Poppy looked around in shock "you can understand me?" It hums back. Poppy runs her hand over the console "Awesome. Your way more than just a spaceship, aren't you?"


"Off we go," The Doctor and Donna appear in the TARDIS just as Poppy sits down at the jump seat.

"Poppy?!" Donna questions. Said person jumps up.

"That's me!"

"How did you get in here...?" The Doctor trailed off "Anyway, do you know what I said before about time machines? Well, I lied. And now we're going to use it,"

"We're on a time machine?!" Poppy asks, she looks up at the celling as if talking to the Tardis (well she was )"Oh you stunning thing,"

"We need to find out what the Empress of the Racnoss is digging up. If something's buried at the planet's core, it must've been there since the beginning. That's just brilliant. Molto bene. I've always wanted to see this. Donna, Poppy, we're going further back than I've ever been before," The Doctor notices Donna's tears and watches as Poppy pulls her over to the chair.


"We've arrived. Want to see?" The Doctor asks Donna.

"I suppose,"

"You suppose?" Poppy whispers to Donna In anger "We'd love to see!"

"Oh, that scanner's a bit small. Maybe your way's best," He walks over to the door. Donna stays seated and Poppy resists the urge to run over there end fling open the doors.

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