The Runaway Bride (1)

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If Poppy's outfit doesn't load:

Poppy was currently answering 16 different phone calls from 27 different people

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Poppy was currently answering 16 different phone calls from 27 different people. All about Donna. Where had she gone? God knows. But Poppy was quite frankly glad that she wasn't marrying Lance. 6 months to get married. Ridiculous. That's why she was answering the phone calls. Poppy wasn't at the wedding. She was nowhere near the venue and apparently it was her job to get Donna. She could be anywhere.

"Donna?" she questioned out loud when she saw the woman trying to get a taxi. A strange man next to her. Poppy watched the situation unfold before she finally sprinted across the road. When someone beeped at her she put her middle fingers up and kept going.

"Poppy?" Donna finally noticed her speed walking down the street, her phone clutched in her hands "why the hell aren't you dressed for my bloody wedding?!" The Doctor(she didn't know that yet though) saw how Poppy's brain was working hard to come up with an excuse

"Well never mind that. Focus on actually getting to your wedding!" Poppy smiled at him gratefully.

"They think I'm in fancy dress," Donna sighed

"Stay off the sauce, darling!" a man shouted out of his car window.

"They think I'm drunk,"

"You're fooling no one, mate!"

"Oh, grow up!" Poppy shouted back at the group of boys.

"They think I'm in drag!" The Doctor and Poppy looked at her properly. From a distance Poppy could see it. She only knew it was her because a) she'd been at every god-forsaken dress fitting and b) she was actually wearing her glasses for once.

"Hold on, hold on The Doctor does a sharp whistle and a taxi pulls in front of them.

"You better be at the wedding," Donna says before she gets in the car "dressed properly," The Doctor goes in after her and Poppy steps back, already dialling Donna's mother's phone number. When it goes to voicemail she sighs and pockets the phone.

Her silence doesn't last long before the taxi is back and Donna's shouting profanities at the driver.

"Talk about the Christmas spirit,"

"Is it Christmas?" The Doctor asks spinning around.

"Well duh," Donna responds just as Poppy does

"God, how did you not notice?"

"Maybe not on Mars, but on here it's Christmas eve,"

"Mars?" Poppy felt very detached from the conversation. Like she was missing something. Who was this man? "Phone box!" Donna starts running and The Doctor follows, Poppy speeding up slightly to catch up "We can reverse the charges!"

"How come you're getting married on Christmas Eve?"

"She hates Christmas," Poppy muttered somewhat bitterly. She loved Christmas, she preferred it over her birthday. Although, she was starting to think anything was better than her birthday. It changed every year as she could never remember when she'd placed it the last year.

"Can't bear it. I hate Christmas. Honeymoon, Morocco. Sunshine, lovely," they reach the phone box "What's the operator? I've not done this in years. What do you dial? 100?" The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver and the phone box makes a noise.

"Just call the direct,"

"What did you do?"

"Something Martian. Now phone. I'll get money!" The Doctor speeds off and Poppy runs after him.

"Who the hell are you?" she asks, slightly out of breath when they stop at a cash machine.

"I'm The Doctor. How do you know Donna?"

"Poppy Watcher," she put her hand out to shake his "and she's kind of my best friend, who I quite frankly think is insane for getting married,"

"Well Miss Watcher, I think she has other plans," The Doctor gestures to Donna franticly pushing in buttons on the phone box.

"Yeah..." The Doctor moves forward and sonics the cash machine "what did you just do? What is that thing?"

"Sonic screwdriver," He takes the cash and Poppy follows his line of sight to a group of creepy Santa's marching forward.

"That's terrifying,"

"Thanks for nothing space man! I'll see you in court! Poppy you better find a way back!"

"space man?" Poppy looks to The Doctor, who's staring at the Santa's again, they aim there 'instruments' at them.

"Donna!" The Doctor grabs Poppy's hand as he makes cash fly around the street "Run,"

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