♡15 ♡

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Eddie helps me get in my contacts confused. 'How am I a fag?' June answers. 'Apperantly hes your boyfriend.' He looks at me pissed. 'Annies just making up stories.' His sister starts chewing him out as he runs up to my room crying his eyes out, I groan upset. 'What's worst, not accepting someone you share more then half your DNA with and someone you're meant to love and protect but instead you chew them out other one little thing they can't change and something they've had such fucking difficulty with accepting or being gay?' June goes to run up to my room as I sigh following her, she starts knocking on the door. 'Eddie?' He says through sniffles. 'Go away.' I sigh making her move. 'Ed's, can I come in please?' He unlocks the door for me as I grin a little, I go in shutting and locking the door behind me. 'Hey baby.' He quickly hugs me crying into my chest, I rub his back and kiss his cheek. 'You want to talk?' He shakes his head. 'No, I just want to be with you.' I nod a little kissing him. 'Wanna know something?' He nods. 'What?' I respond. ' I love you. I love you so much. You're the best thing I could've asked for Eddie spaghetti.' He smiles a bit kissing me. 'I love you too, stop making me happy gaywad.' I shake my head. 'Can't do that, it's my job.' After a couple minutes I say. 'Want me to grab you some dinner and we can chill up here? I'm almost 100% sure my mum and dad wouldn't mind.' He laughs a little. 'Fine.' I walk downstairs grabbing my plate and eddies as Ed's mum says. 'Thought He was gay.' I ignore her comment walking back to my room, I put his food infornt of him on my bed. 'M'lady. I shall go grab you a drink.' He laughs a bit. 'Richie you really don't have.-' I cut him off by kissing him. 'I may talk a lot but you're just speaking lies, I love you so much just let me.' He nods as I walk back downstairs as mum asks. 'How's he feeling?' I answer. 'He's happy, when do they all leave?' June answers. 'When he comes down or let's me in.' She says. 'She shouldn't be around such a filthy creature, Brain washing him. I'm going to get him the help he deserves.' I sigh. 'Last I checked your not his mum, so I'll believe it when I hear her say something.' I walk back upstairs as my mum says. 'Can I just come check on him with you?' I laugh. 'Are you worried for him?' She nods a bit. 'She's like a better son I never had.' I laugh a bit as we walk upstairs, I let her in my room as I give Eddie his drink, my mum smiles. 'Aw that's a cute ring.- you two didn't get engaged right?' I shake my head. 'Mum. It's a promise ring.' I sit on my bed with Eddie just sort of goofing around with him and eating, my mum is talking to him about how she accepts him and how he'll always have a place here, I whisper in his ear some gay shit to annoy him like "my Spaghetti is committing canoblism." He just looks at me. 'I'm not Spaghetti dick.' I fake pout. 'Ow.' He laughs a little kissing me as my mum says. 'You two are really affectionate, don't understand how you kept it a secret from eddies mum for so long.' I answer. 'Only do gay shit when I sneak in, are in his room or she's gone out, I'm not that stupid mum.' She laughs a little as Eddie just eats grinning, he asks. 'When am I meant to go home?' I answer. 'Never.' He sighs. 'Rich...' I shrug. 'I'm not sure.' I put out plates and cups next to us on the side table, my mum leaves as I kiss him a little. 'You know I love you, right?' He nods quickly. 'Yes! I love you too!' We start Uh making out and are about to start doing other things when someone knocks on my door, Eddie jumps out of my lap as his mum and sister walk in, I just sit there awkwardly as Eddies mum says something about being fine with it until his sister buds in, god I can't stand that woman. 'No! We're sending him to that special camp!' My heart shatters as his mum shakes his head. 'No, I'm not sending my baby away to some filthy camp.' She sighs. 'Just don't do anything stupid or disgusting and no sex at all.' Eddie nods a bit taken back by this? Eddie asks. 'Can I stay over the night then? I have all my pills and fanny pack with me.' Sonia nods. 'Yes, But no sex.'

New kid ♡ Reddie♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang