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After 2 weeks of asking Eddie on a date he finally accepted, he kept saying no cause his mums homophobic but he finally said yes which made me so very happy. I grab my keys. 'Have a date! Don't expect me before... 2 am?' My mum says playing with my hair and glasses. '1:30 am, no sex, no alcohol and I shouldn't have to say this again but no sex! I don't want a grandchild yet!' I laugh. 'Mum. Last I checked guys can't get pregnant.' She stands a little shocked. 'So a guy you say?' I nod. 'Yeah?' She nods tapping my shoulder. 'No sex in the car and if it happens in your room please keep it down.' I smile walking out, I walk to Eddie's house and knock on the door, sadly can't bring flowers cause we gotta you know run along and then act gay. Eddies mum answers. 'Hello?' I smile a bit extending my hand with one flower, wowing over mothers is an amazing gift I've always had. 'Hello, I am here to bring Eddie along with me on a double date, the girls are already there.' She nods a bit as I talk to her for a bit waiting for Eddie to hurry up, I yell. 'Renaye is getting impatient! You shouldn't keep a fine girl like her waiting!'

He runs downstairs. 'Richie.' I nod. 'Yes, my good sir?' He laughs. 'Let's go. Mum I'm staying the night at Renayes and yes I have my pills and inhaler.' She smiles pinching my cheeks. 'That's my good boy! Don't let her deflower or anything like that to you. I love you Eddie-Bear!' He smiles as she kisses his cheek. 'Love you too mummy!' We walk out as we start walking around the city, I smile kissing his cheek. 'So, Eds.' He nods. 'Don't call me that but, yes?' I smile. 'What do you want to dooo?' He smiles. 'We should go skating! The lake is frozen solid! Well, what I've heard, mummy wouldn't let me go.' I smile grabbing his hand. 'Let's go!' We run there to see it empty, it's pretty dark but for no reason, Eddie brought a bunch of torches? I hang them up to light it up and smile putting on some music. 'Shit.' He asks. 'What?' I answer. 'We don't have skates. But we could head down to the 7/11 grab some food and drinks and have a nice romantic date here.' Eddie nods quickly standing up. 'Yes! Let's do it!' We quickly run there grab a buttload of food and drinks and run back. I smile seeing him stuff his face full of food. 'You're so cute.'

We don't stop talking and just... having so much fun, I smile. 'Would you mind if I...' I move a little forward as he moves closer. 'Mind what?' I keep moving closer. 'If I...kissed you?' He moves a little closer. 'Hmm, I don't know.' He quickly grabs my face kissing me quickly and passionately, god it feels so good and nice and just...we keep doing it until I can barely breathe, I say. 'Can we please go back to mine now?' He nods quickly. 'Let's go!' We pack up and start running to my place, I get in as my mum says. 'Hey, sweetie.-' I cut her off. 'Can't talk! Bye!' We run upstairs as my mum asks. 'What are you two doing?' I answer. 'Mummm! 30-40 minutes, tops!' She asks. 'Are you two? Do you have protection?' I sigh. 'Mum. You're killing the mood.' She sighs. 'Richie. Can I just meet him?' I sigh. 'You're turning my balls blue!' Eddie groans flustered. 'Richie! The mood was killed the second you opened your mouth! Now, I'll do whatever you want that isn't that, ok?' Mum smiles. 'Aw thank you, young man.' He smiles shaking her hand. 'I'm Eddie! I'm glad I met your son.' I groan whispering in his ear. 'You'd be screaming my name if!' My mum smiles. 'That's all I wanted, now enjoy your night and Richie be silent please.' I sigh. 'Fine!' I jump on the bed. 'So...Eddie.' He laughs a bit. 'I'm just going to get changed, where do I?' I answer. 'In here, I'll go for a shower.' He nods, after a good 20 minutes I enter back in to see him tired on my bed about to pass out. 'Hey, Eds.' He smiles a bit cuddling me. 'Hey, Rich.' I kiss his neck. 'You're so cute, especially when you're tired.' I give him a lot harder kisses, more hickeys, as he moans a little, I say whispering in his ear. 'Shh! Eds! My mum said quiet!' He laughs a little tired. 'Richieee!'

I laugh. 'Yes?' He answers. 'I wanna kiss you so bad.' I smile kissing him. 'And I'll kiss you as much as you want'.

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