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We go to bevs place screaming and listening to music, Eddie was grinding on my lap and I gotta say I'd smash. I say holding his hips still. 'Cut it out! If you wanted to grind on me just tell me damm.' He gets flustered. 'I wasn't!' Bev lives with her aunt since her dad was arrested and killed in jail so she lives with her now, she really likes it there which is amazing! We get there as I'm just wearing shorts, we get in there and run into Bev's room, I jump on her bed bored. 'Bev, what are we meant to do now?' She answers. 'Watch a movie dumbass, now get off my bed and spoon your boyfriend.' We set up some mattress and I get the delight of sharing one with Eddie, I lay next to him as he says. 'Will you ever put on a shirt?' I shake my head. 'Nah.' Bill says. 'You'll get u-used to i-it, he d-does it e-e-every night.' I finger gun him. 'You all love it.' Bev shakes her head. 'Nope! NO one does!' I fake puppy eyes at Eddie. 'Edssss!' He sighs sarcastically. 'Yes, Richie I love it so much wow, never wear a shirt again.' Eddie eventually passes out in my arms and looks so cute... I smile kissing his forehead about to pass out myself, I hear a phone ringing as I answer tiredly. 'Hello?' I hear some woman start saying "how are you?! Where's my son?!" I groan. 'Stan's asleep...' she says upset. 'Where's my Eddie bear?!' I start nudging Eddie. 'Eddie! Wake up! It's your mum.' He looked a bit confused but took his phone. 'Hello? Yes, mummy, I took my pills. I'm trying to sleep I love you too! Kiss kiss.' I laugh as he hangs up the phone. 'Kiss kiss?' He flushes. 'Bitch! Shut up!' I pucker my lips jokingly. 'Kiss me, Edward!' He rolls over ignoring me as I cuddle him from behind and kiss his neck. 'Eddddsss!' He shivers against me. 'Stop being so gay.' I laugh. 'I've already seen your dick dude.' He says upset. 'Forget my dick!' We laugh a bit as he cuddles up to me more, I smile. 'Aw is Eddie bear cuddling up to me?' He slaps my chest. 'Shut up I'm going to shower the second I wake up.' We laugh a bit and I grab his phone off him and say. 'I'm giving you my number.' He asks. 'Why?' I answer. 'Cause your my friend now.' He laughs at my joke as I give myself the contact "trash mouth Tozier 💞😩💦 " I send myself a quick message and give him the amazing contact "Eddie Spaghetti 🥰💓🍆" He laughs a bit. 'I'm so changing your contact.' I shake my head. 'Ed's!' He laughs a bit. 'Fine. But my mum will murder me!' I smile. 'No she won't! I won't let her!' We snuggle up to eachother as I message him. 'Omg stop trying to touch my dick.' He messages back still intertwined with me. 'I'm not I'm trying to get comfy and you're like a rock.' I grin at messaging back. 'It's cause I'm just so buff.'I hear him laughing as all we spend ages texting and then pass out, I wake up to the sound of laughter? I open my eyes. 'What up fuckers.'

I feel a hand slap me muttering. 'Shut up...' I look down seeing Eddie still cuddling up to me, I smirk. 'See, I get bitches.' Bev says. 'He's probably just cold.' I groan. 'Nope! We were cuddling before he passed out.' Stan says. 'Wait, someone actually wants to touch you? Guys, I think Eddies dying.' Eddie chucks a pillow over his head. 'I'm trying to sleep.' I single for everyone to be quiet, I rub his cheek kissing his forehead. 'Eds, wake up baby.' He shoves my face away. 'Get off me homo.' I laugh a bit as he just snuggles closer to me, I grin. 'Look at my baby.' Eddie groans sitting up. 'What are we doing today...' Bill answers. 'N-not cuddling r-richie.' He becomes flustered. 'I was cold! And he stole most of the blanket it was the only way!' I laugh kissing his cheek. 'You love me.' He pushes me off him getting up. 'I need to go bleach every part of my body.' I laugh. 'Noooo baby.'

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