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"Jeonghan, let's take a picture together." I mumbled and you agreed without hesitation

We took a lot of photos together, you were the one holding my phone.

"I guess those are enough for today, I look pale" You said and clicked the home button, flashing an angel wallpaper on my phone.

"Angels? Why is this your wallpaper?" You innocently asked.

I just smiled and looked at the wallpaper of my phone, "Angels remind me of you, you look like an angel to me tho, you just look like an angel God sent from above"

You were silent

I didn't notice the tears that left your eyes, you wiped them away within a second.

"really?" you asked

I nodded without looking, completely staring at the wallpaper "you're my guardian angel remember?"

✔{3} ANGELS || YJH x YJY Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon