Sick Day

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"Why do you look so terrible."
Brick had been at home finishing today's school work, he was actually almost done. But his usually bright and spry attributes seemed dulled down, and sloppy.
"I've been having,,having real bad headaches," he slurred, "but it's nothing too serious, just headaches."
Jackle squinted. He didn't know exactly too much about humans and such, but what he did know was Brick never looked this tired. Even after his sleepless nights, he'd be good as new the moment he woke up.
"Uh no. You look absolutely horrendous."
"You're being dramatic, I'm fine."
No he wasn't. His posture was slouched while swaying back and forth, the dark circles that laced his eyes stood prominent against his flushed red cheeks and sweat. A complete mess. Jackle lightly pressed the back of his hand against his forehead, and immediately retreated back by the warmth.
"You're hot as hell."
"Is it actually hot though?"
"Well no but it is quite humid and mucky. Like a dirty washroom after a hot shower- but that doesn't change what I mean!"
He swiftly snatched Brick's phone from the table, which was covered with a checkered phone case, and 2 small charms of the Joker and a pastel pink skull. "Aw c'mon," Brick muttered, but didn't try to refuse. In just under a minute, he'd typed the symptoms that Brick had shown. Ah, the common fever.
"It says you have a fever."
"I'm fine."
A quick scroll down featured ways to treat a fever, and Jackle immediately got into action.
"Ok we're getting you into bed sir, get up."
"Aw c'mon jack, I'm almost done! I still have geometry.."
"No we're getting you to rest stat. And never call me 'jack' again."
He protested, he wriggled and went dead weight. It was like taking care of a child. But he had no time for this foolishness, and picked him up by under his armpits to carry him to his room. Jackle didn't have muscles, but that wouldn't stop him from using all his upper body strength to carry this exhausted child to bed.
Once they finally arrived, he flopped his body on the bed, dusting himself off, by habit.
"Now don't you dare move, I'm going to get you," he glanced at the phone, "A cold towel, soup, and some medicine." He decided to get the cold towel first, and scouted for a small face towel. He found one in a middle second drawer, doused it in cold water and squeezed until the dripping stopped. Returning to the room, he was quite surprised he had actually stayed still, besides the blanket being tossed to the side of the bed leaving him laying starfish on the covers. He placed the towel on his forehead, once again warning him not to move until he gets the rest of the items.
Next was medicine, and he checked his washroom everywhere for some type of fever medicine. Does he really not have any medicine, he thought to himself has he scavenged the washroom mirrors and drawers. He couldn't find anything but vitamin B-12 in the kitchen, so that'll be it for now.
Now was soup, and he had no problem with that. Brick is a Junior in high school who lives on his own, only managing to get an apartment because his landlord was a family friend. He LIVES on cup noodles, and Jackle had seen him make his dinner a multitude of times. Boil the water, add the flavouring, and broke the block in half. Half cooked half raw, just the way he liked it, with just a drop of cough syrup just to be safe.
"Okay I'm very disappointed you don't have any fever medicine but I have some soup so here."
"I'm not hungry."
"I swear to god if you don't eat your cup noodles I will possess you and force you to eat it."
Brick gave him a tired but forced glare, but knew well enough that Jackle wouldn't hesitate to do it and ate it down begrudgingly despite how much he was sweating.
"Good good. Okay lay down and sleep, it's already 12am."
He felt relaxed, the warmth in his stomach growing him more sleepy. He was just about to close his eyes when,
"WAIT! My school work!" He shot up, "I need to finish it now!It's do tomorrow I- I-"
"Stop, I'll call the school tomorrow, Ashtelin public school house yeah? Now rest."
"You're such a mom."
"Yeah and if you don't behave I'll disown you."
He let out a sharp exhale from his nose, which was close enough to real laughter.
His ginger cat had strut in, seeing what all the commotion was about. But as cats do, stoped caring after a solid 20 seconds and walked back out to do usual cat activities.
"I'm bringing this back to the kitchen, I'll be right back."
"Yeah yeah shut it."
"Now gimme a good nights kiss." What a bastard.
"I'd punch your face instead," walking out, only to come back in seconds later wearing a Star Wars T-shirt and plaid shorts.
"Those aren't my shorts?"
"Yeah they're mine."
Brick couldn't help but snort. Jackle, the demon, liked plaid. It was Jackle's turn to send a glare, it was strict but with a touch of embarrassment. He laid down on his soft mat bed and shrouded himself with his blanket. You see, Jackle didn't need to sleep, but he enjoyed the feeling of completely shutting of his brain, and he'd sometimes get weird visions when he did. Brick didn't tell him what dreams were, it was priceless seeing Jackle in a state of pure confusion when he woke up. It humanized the demon, though he seemed already so human, besides the y'know, teeth and stuff.
"Yeah you too."
And like that, his eyelids started to weigh down. But just before he drifted off, he just had to say,

"That's my T-shirt isn't it?"
"Lol gay."


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