Chapter I: Memories of a Time Since Past

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"Hello, my little Harry." A woman with fiery red hair and beautiful green eyes smiled at me. I knew her face. I saw it whenever the world was not dark. Every time I saw her smiling face, I felt warm, safe, secure."How's my little man?"

I didn't really know what she was saying, not everything, but the feelings of warmth I felt when she was near made everything else not matter. I would giggle when she would make funny faces or play with my hands and tickle my feet. Every time I saw her, I was happy.

"Mum! Mum!" I giggled and laughed. So did the woman. She liked it when I called her mum.

As she continued to play with me, I saw something around her neck, dangling and swaying as she moved. It was round and big and shiny.

I wanted it.

As if responding to my want, I felt something well up inside of me. I didn't know what it was, but I had felt this way before. I knew what was going to happen.

The pendant lifted itself around the woman's neck and made its way to me. I held out my hands and grabbed a hold of the shiny round thing, smiling as I began to chew on it.

The woman gave a surprised gasp, but I wasn't really paying attention anymore. "James! James you have to come here and see this!"

A little ways over from us the door that led to the room opened and in walked a man with messy raven hair and brown mischievous eyes hidden behind a pair of wire frame glasses. "See what Lils? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong, but our little Harry just had his first bout of accidental magic," Lils said excitedly.


James walked over to the two of us and looked at me. Blinking as I saw this new person that I knew in front of me, I stopped gnawing on the shiny thing long enough to look up at the man, before going right to back to my previous activity.

"You sure he did accidental magic Lils? I mean, magic at his age is completely unheard of. He's not even one yet."

"I know what I saw," Lils said firmly. "Watch this."

She gently pried the pendant out of my grip. Seeing my new toy gone, I reached out with my hands to get it back, but Lils moved it out of my reach.

For a moment, I thought about crying. That usually got me what I wanted. But Lils who liked it when I called mum and James who liked being called da didn't like it when I cried. They always got very sad. I didn't like it when they were sad, so I didn't cry.

I still wanted the shiny though, so I held out my hands again and reached out for that warm feeling that let lift the pendant again. The pendant, once again slipped from around Lils' neck and floated into my hands.

James blinked, opened his mouth, closed it, then blinked again. Finally, he said, "um...Lily, I don't think that was accidental. It seemed pretty deliberate to me."

Lily scoffed, "now who's sounding far-fetched. A one year old using wandless magic? Really James?"

James rubbed the back of his head, "well maybe this is natural for him. After all, the prophecy said he would defeat the Dark Lord. Maybe he's just super powerful." As if someone flipped a switch James began to gush and wiped crocodile tears from his eyes. "I'm son is going to be more powerful than Merlin! Just wait until I show him the ropes and get him all ready to go to Hogwarts!"

"James Potter! I will not have you teach my child to be a Delinquent like you and your Marauder friends!" Lily said in a scolding tone.

James was instantly cowed, "yes, dear."

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