Chapter 6-A Fancy Kidnap

Start from the beginning

"Fine, now leave me to do my job," I grumbled, flicking the comm off. I snuck around Tony Stark's Penthouse, nabbing any fun trinkets I could find. I was walking in a room when I heard some giggling. I slipped inside and leaned against the wall.

"HINT!" Someone hollered.

"WISHY WASHY!"  A female African voice hollered. I flicked my X-ray vision on and looked around the room. I found the princess behind a big TV. I slithered along the wall, creeping closer to the princess. Once I was next to the TV, I climbed up the wall so I was over her. I carefully dropped down next to her, because there was a lot of space in here. My foot made a soft thump, and her head snapped to the side.

"Aw man, you found-" She stopped mid-sentence, her eyes widening. I put my finger up by my mouth, make a shush sign. She ignored it, screaming at the top of her lungs. She leaped up and tried to run, but I grabbed her and dragged her back. I placed my hand over her mouth, muffling her screams. I quickly grabbed a syringe and stabbed it in her neck, injecting the substance. her jerking became slow, as her body shut down. She passed out in my arms not even a minute later, all the fight drained out of her. I sling her over my shoulder, shoot a silent grappling hook and slip to the ceiling. I scramble across, back to the living room, only to find a girl unlatching Peter's body.

"Shit," I mutter, pinning the princess to the ceiling. I grab a syringe and pour the contents into a dart, then latch it in my gun. I aim, then fire, hitting the girl in between the shoulder blades. She collapses in seconds. I drop down, tie the three kids together, then fly back up to the helicopter, hostages in hand.

Ned's POV 

Oh my god. Oh my god. oh my god oh my god oh my god ohmygod ohmygod ohmygodohmygodohmygod. M-My friends were kidnapped!!!!!! What am I going to do?! Tony! A-And T'Challa! They'll know what to do! I run down the stairs, to scared to take the elevator. I run into the ballroom and find all of the Avengers laughing and joking. I run over and tap on Tony's shoulder. Tony turns and smiles at me.

"Hey, Ned! What's up? Wheres Peter?" Tony asks. I glance at the floor holding back tears.

"Yes, where is my demon of a sister?" T'Challa jokes, glancing around the ballroom.

"T-They were kidnapped b-by a dude in a falcon mask. T-They got Peter because the ceiling fell and knocked him out, they got Shuri by nabbing her i-in the dark, then got MJ when she was helping Peter!" I stammered. Tony glanced at Pepper, then laughed.

"Nice joke, Ned. you're such a prankster. Now seriously, where are they?" Tony chuckled. I guess it was the stress and the worry, but I snapped. 

"I'm NOT joking! I had to just witness my best and ONLY friends get kidnapped! and NONE OF YOU CARE! If ANY of you cared about Peter or Shuri or MJ, you would know that I'm not joking! I thought I could get some help from the MIGHTEST HEROES ON EARTH, but I guess not! If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go rescue my friends! Have a good evening." I snap then storm off. I don't make far before a hand is on my shoulder. I become face-to-face with Tony Stark.

"Ned, a-are you serious? P-Peter's gone?!" Tony whispers, fear in his eyes. I nod. I gulp, then say something that's been bugging me all night.

"I-I think they took Peter and Shuri, and MJ...because they wanted to get to you." 

Sorry for the late update, but I got it out! Hooray!!!! I hope you liked it, S-L-A-M that star and comment below what you thought! Love you, my kit-kats!

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