Chapter 2-Friday Excitement and Embarrassment

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"Well, looks like Penis is late! Probably trying to figure out a way to get a internship! Oh wait, who would give him one?" Flash cackles and his buddies join in. Apparently, the decathlon team isn't the only class going. The rest of the school is to. I sigh as we get on the bus. I plop next to Ned and MJ, since we're forced to sit 3 per seat.

"So.." I trail off as the bus starts. "What are you guys looking forward to?"

"The labs." Ned replies. "I can't wait to see how the armor for Iron Man was made. Or how Black Panther's suit is so flexible, yet so strong!"

"Meeting the Avengers. Specifically the girls. It'll show the world that girls aren't just some housewives." MJ shrugs. "What about you Peter?"

"Introducing you guys to them." I respond. "Nat would love your attitude and Pepper would love your business-savvy skills MJ, and Bruce and Tony would love your fascination with technology Ned."

"You'll really introduce us to them?!" Ned exclaims. I nod. We talk for a bit longer, then we arrive. Here goes nothing.....

I step off the bus and I immediately taste gravel.

"How's the ground, Penis? Cause you're going to taste a lot more of it when the Avengers say your internship is fake!" Flash laughs as he and his buddies walk into the tower. I sigh, then follow the others inside. When I walk in, everyone else has gotten the visitor badge. The Secretary winks at me, then we continue on. The tour guide is a girl named Elizabeth, who is a good friend of mine. She meets my eyes and gives me a sly grin as we all walk into the visitor elevator.

"What floor would you like to go to, Elizabeth?" FRIDAY asks.

"Floor 60, for the Hero convention."

"Please scan your badge." Elizabeth puts on a surprised face and pats her pockets. She gasps, but I see right through it. What is she doing?......

"Oh dear! It seems I forgot my intern badge! And none of you have access to that floor! What ever shall we do?..." She trails off, meeting my eyes. Oh god

"Oh, Peter! You do have your badge, right? You have access to that floor! Come up here and scan yours!" I reluctantly walk up and scan, and FRIDAY blurts out my info

"Welcome, Peter Parker. Access to all floors, Tony Stark approved. Boss has been notified that you have arrived." Nononononononononono. The elevator started to go up, and when the doors opened, everyone streamed out so they could look at Tony Stark's lab. Elizabeth was taking us to each different lab table, showing us the work and stuff. I was pretending to listen about the Iron Man suit when the vent popped open behind me. I turn around, and a couple of others did to. Clint stood their, looking panicky. He spotted me and ran over to me, crouching behind me.

"I'm not here, ok?" He whispered. I sigh.

"What did you do now?"

"I may of played a prank on Bucky that went a little to far...." Clint trails off. I groan quietly.

"I won't be able to hide you by myself, so let me get Ned." I whisper, and signal Ned over.

"We need to hide Clint from Bucky." I whisper. Ned nods, awed that he gets to be this close to a Avenger. Once the tour of the lab ends, we start towards the elevator. We never do get on it, because it dings open and Bucky storms out, covered in bright pink and purple paint. Everyone freezes, awed and confused to why there seeing a Avenger covered in paint. Bucky scans the room and his eyes lock into mine. He smirks.

"Hey Peter! Have you seen Clint!" He yells so everyone hears him. They all whirl around to see Me and ned, failing at hiding Clint.

"Clint, I'd run." I whisper. He peeks out, then yells.

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