n i n e // satria

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Satria didn't notice anything different about Audra today until he saw her limping toward the teacher's desk to collect her homework. She walked in a slower pace, dragging her left leg lightly.

"What happened?" Satria asked, examining her leg.

"Huh?" She responded in confusion, then seeming to realise where his gaze had fallen. "Oh, right! I haven't told you about this."

She sat down on her chair, slowly lifting up her skirt knee-length. Satria could see her left knee was wrapped in a fresh white bandage, concealing whatever's underneath.

"I fell during practice yesterday while trying to hit a home run." Audra grimaced,
apparently cringing at the memory. "It didn't hurt so bad, but oh the shame! I felt like a total idiot, and I was too afraid to get back up because I thought everyone was laughing at me. But then someone helped me up and told me it's totally normal to trip during a home run. I felt less ashamed and then I remembered all those stories you've told me, they made me feel better."

"See I told you they would help!" Satria chuckled. His spine prickled a bit in embarassment, but the feeling quickly went away when he saw her laugh was filled with relief. It felt nice to see someone smiled genuinely because of him. "Anyway, I'm sorry for your bad luck, it seems like you won't be able to play for a while?"

"Nah. It's not that bad, it would heal before the tournament I hope," Audra replied. She seemed very excited.

"You're playing?" Satria exclaimed.

"I am! I haven't told you about it?" Audra asked back. Satria shook his head. "Sorry! I thought I have. Well they were actually only missing a few people for substitutes, and I was supposedly a substitute, but they decided to put me in the main team!"

"You must be really good, then."

"Nah, I'm pretty sure I'm just lucky. Plus, this person I'm replacing rarely ever practice, so.." Audra shrugged, but even so, her eyes still shone.

"When's the tournament again?" Satria asked.

"Next week! Um, will you come?" Audra said, a hint of begging in her tone.

"I'll think about it." Satria pretended to be considering things in his head. He saw a slight disappointment in Audra's expression and grinned. "Just kidding, of course I'll come!"

a/n: i know this is so short but i promise the next two chapters will be longer than this one. also please tell me if there are grammatical mistakes because some sentences feel off but i couldnt point out the mistakes, i'd appreciate your help

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