Girl Time and Date

Start from the beginning

"My trailer, I love saying that" We walked out and made our way to her pace.

"I have cleaned up a lot still a work in progress" She said as we walked in. I kicked my shoes off at the door and slide my jacket off.

"Doesn't bug me"

"So, tell me everything" She said as she went get us each a coke.

"Where to start?" She slapped my arm making me laugh. "Well at the drive in after I went give Jug his food I went and set on his lap. Not on head of I have set on all you guys lap many times."

"Of course, and then..." She was smiling brightly making me blush.

"He asked me why we have never tried. I always thought he only saw me as a sister. My dad caught us making out that night." I put my hands over my face and leaned forward on my spot on her love seat.

"Oh my god no way" She said after almost spiting drink at me. We busted out laughing.

"It was so awkward. My dad cleared his throat and it scared me I slipped right to the floor to look up and see him with a shit eating grin on his face. I was like just my luck." Toni was almost on the floor laughing "Hey we should go shoot tomorrow. We have not done that in a while I love how the picture come out. Feel like we haven't had best friend time without me being a mess in a while" That how we spent the rest of the night me telling her everything and just hanging out. My phone dinged and Toni grabbed it before I could I did not mind, not the first time. Her eyes widen and she looked at me about to burst out laughing. I set up and went to grab my phone, but she darted across the room.

" Nope why is he calling you a tease" she asks making me blush. "And I quote baby I will get you back for that and the leaving without telling me bye"

"TONI GIVE ME MY PHONE"I yelled and attacked her to the floor.

"What the hell going on" Fangs asked barging in with Sweets. Toni and I was laying on the floor.

"Why the hell yall barged in we could have been naked" I yelled grabbing my phone me and Toni busted out laughing.

"We were walking by heard yelling." Fangs looked at us confused

"Oh, that Toni stole my phone." Sweets face was priceless as me and Toni was a giggling mess on the floor.

"She does that all the time" Fangs said still confused. Sweetpea stepped forward and said something to Fangs making him bust out laughing. Sweets rolled his eyes at his best friend before walking up and helping me and Toni off the floor. I was still red in the face from blushing as I looked up at him.

"Message me when you can" He said in a low voice giving me a grin as he led Fangs out.

"Ugh fuck he going to drive me crazy" I groan pooping in the sofa making her laugh. My phone dinged.

Sweets: and no getting naked with Toni that can only happen with me.

Toni read it over my shoulder and was back to dying laughing.

"Is it weird" I asked her laying my head in her lap. She looks at me confused. "It's been us four for so long and with me and him being together?"

"No this has been a long time coming. If it not nonstop bickering, it is the secret glances. Fangs and I was close to setting something in motion if it did not happen soon" She said as she messed with my hair. " I have noticed it so long why do you think my feeling didn't stick. I knew it wasn't meant to be between us." I chuckled.

"I thought that was the fact I am more straight then anything." She chuckled at my words then yawn.

"Well that to. Let us head to bed. Sadly, one area I have not clean yet is the second room." She said I set up and we both made it to her room with me shrugging.

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