Chapter Fifteen: Miracles... and love!?

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"Okay, we are back," Rei sighed. "Galaxia, you were leading this, correct?"

"Well, yes," Galaxia fumbled for words that were meant to convey meaning. "Now, do we have any questions, everyone?"

"Where are Lethe and Mnemosyne? Didn't you call the two here?" Minako asked.

"They're working off their energy by acting as coordinators and bodyguards for the Three Lights," Galaxia explained. "I... Can we focus on the reason why we came here?"

"Galaxia doesn't like the spotlight," Kakyu added, as if she was saying something that she had had to say over and over again. "Setsuna, Rin, can we discuss further? I wish to know about the need for heiresses to our power and castles."

"Now, who has thought of creating a heiress to their throne and their future partners?" Setsuna quizzed.

I, along with Chibi-Usa and others, raised my hand until the whole room had raised our hands.

"Put your hand DOWN, Usagi," Rin instructed. "You have already produced a heiress for us. And, Hotaru, tell your pink haired friend to put down her hand as well. You need not to be thinking about those things at your age. You shouldn't be fretting about it. You're still young. We will be dead by the time all of you six need to create heiresses." She laughed good naturedly, and then looked at Haruka. "Wait... you two still need a heiress? And you too, Ami and Makoto? Jeez, a lot of us haven't thought too far into the future. Alright, everyone. We really need to talk about this, because it has comes to my attention that nobody is taking this seriously."

"I haven't taken any offense yet," Haruka huffed, "and now it just sounds like she set this up to insult all of us."

"Listen to us," Setsuna growled in annoyance. "We need to take the business of producing heirs seriously. If we don't, our legacies and powers will cease. This is serious. We need senshi to protect this planet."

"I get that!" Haruka grumbled. "But why worry now when we can worry later?"

"Jeez, you don't know?" Minako quipped. "Obviously, if we don't produce a heiress, our powers will die out and there won't be Senshi left to protect this planet. We do have the Asteroid senshi, but their powers are not the same as ours. Vesta's power source is drawn by the Volcanoes, Juno's powers are drawn by the Amazon Rainforest, Pallas has powers coming from rivers and whirlpools and Ceres has powers drawn from ribbon. Our heiress senshi will end up having the same powers as we do."

"Yes, Mina, you're on the right track," Rin finally agreed, nodding. "I'm glad one of the many of us understands the importance of a heiress like Usagi does. If we don't produce a heiress, our powers will fade and become obsolete."

"Won't heiresses be found if they aren't already created?" Michiru asked.

"No. It's how it works in manga, not real life. You need heiresses so that your legacy will live on," Setsuna repeated. "Glad you have at least thought of your future partners, if not your heiress." She shook her head and paced around the room. "So, have any of you recieved the tingles regarding Miracle power or your partner?"

"Now that you mention it," Chibi-Usa mused. "Both Hotaru and I have recieved both kinds of tingles. I know what they are. You have a warmth coursing through your body and your body glows. When it regards Miracle power, your light envelopes your body, like some weird capsule thing and you feel this humming inside of you. But the warmth envelopes your body when it regards your love."

"Yeah, I have," Hotaru nodded.

"I've felt both tingles as well," Ami and Makoto said in unison.

"We've felt the Miracle power tingles," VesVes, PallaPalla, JunJun and CereCere nearly recited.

"You've all received the tingles regarding Miracle power?" Setsuna reiterated.

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