Chapter Twelve: Is that it?

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"Your name, please, ma'am?" The clerk of the store asked for about the thousandth time.

"Tsukino Usagi," I responded.

"Oh, yes, Tsukino Usagi," she mused. "Now, what may I do for you, Tsukino-sama?"

"I would like a book," I added. "A book called 'Codename wa Sailor V'."

"I'm incredibly sorry, ma'am! That book happens to be out of print," she apologised.

"What new manga do you have?" I asked.

"Not too many," she said, "but... Would you like if I special ordered that book for you?"

"You said that-"

"I'd do anything," she smiled. "Especially for my best friend."

"Naru?!" I blurted, in a frenzy of shock. "Here's the money."

I then left the shop in such a shock that I didn't have a clue where I was going. I realised where I was going and stopped myself, before heading back in the direction of the Crystal Palace, with a smile on my lips and my eyes flaunting their beautiful blue colouring once again. I opened the gates and made a beeline for my sleeping quarters. What a coincidence to have Naru at the shops?! I couldn't believe it. I then tried to sleep, even though I would only have the time for a nap, for I knew that there was going to be yet another battle for me to glance at on the sidelines. I was useless. I couldn't transform or use any of my attacks, and any attacks I could use were for use only if Crystal Tokyo fell. I sighed as I tried to push that thought out of my mind. I didn't like the idea of Crystal Tokyo falling and me possibly being the one responsible for the dilemma. I could already tell that it wasn't me that had caused these abnormal occurrences. It was too much for one choice or two to cause. It had to be something else. I knew it. I just had to talk to Setsuna and Rin. They were the ones investigating these strange happenings and their causes. There was some sort of a tear in space-time, and that was why Rin was here. But why was this happening? And why were we being victimised in the first place? It's got to have something to do with Chaos...

"Tsukino Usagi?"

"Erm, yes. Technically, I go by Neo-Queen Serenity, but I am still addressed as 'Tsukino Usagi'," I responded.

"Ah, I have the right person then," the omnious voice realised.

"What do you require from me?" I sighed, exasperated with whoever was talking back to me.

"I don't require anything from you. I believe you have the wrong idea. I just want a favour from you. It's a small favour, so you needn't worry."

"Who are you?" I badgered. "I would like to know before I offer myself up to anyone."

The person stepped out the shadows, revealing a helmet clad woman with sandy hair, wearing racing clothes. "You know who I am."

"Haruka Tenō, heiress to the throne of Uranus," I seethed, words dripping from my mouth like blood from a carcass. "What do you think you're doing? You have some nerve, interrupting my slumbers like this."

"Oh, I know exactly what I'm doing, Tsukino Usagi," she hissed. "Perhaps you'd like to tell everyone about this abnormal rip in space-time. What do you say, Tsukino Usagi?"


"Tsk, tsk," Haruka chided. "You don't want to get a bad image, do you, Serenity?"

"And what exactly would you do to tarnish my good name?" I bit back.

"Oh, I can do anything, whether you want me to or not," she sneered.

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